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The fear of being abandoned was a phobia that very often plagued Caleb's mind, ever since he was a child he learned not to form attachments to anyone because he knew the pain of watching the person he loved leave him behind

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The fear of being abandoned was a phobia that very often plagued Caleb's mind, ever since he was a child he learned not to form attachments to anyone because he knew the pain of watching the person he loved leave him behind. It was almost like a torture method, his mind constantly stopping him from feeling anything as a way to try and prevent him from getting hurt, anxieties and fear always plying in his mind.

It was an interesting fear to have, because human connection and contact is one of the most important parts of life, so Caleb had struggled and often failed to find that balance of getting close but not allowing himself to get too close, which inevitably left him in some kind of self imposed isolation and exile.

Caleb had always held back from growing close with anyone, already knowing the dangers and risks of getting too close, never wanting to go through any of it again. He didn't need to relive the moments from his childhood, he had lived through them already so he didn't need to experience the heartbreak, confusion and the torment all over again.

He still often thought about the seven year old he once was that lay awake in the middle of the night in his space themed room in Chicago, unable to sleep and constantly wondering what he had done wrong and what he could do to make everything normal again like it once was; what could he do to get his dad to come home.

It was hard to forget the sounds of the fighting coming from the kitchen when he could do nothing but hide under his covers and put his hands over his ears, just hoping that it would stop soon. He remembered vividly the sound of the slamming doors, the desperate cries that he never figured out whether they belonged to his mom or his dad, the feeling of his dad kissing his forehead in the middle of the night while he pretended to be asleep, and waking up the next morning to find that his dad had left.

Caleb had cried silently, sitting at the kitchen table wondering if it was his fault, if the time he accidentally broke his dad's expensive watch is what drove him over an edge. He tried to figure of what he had done wrong and why his dad just didn't love him enough anymore.

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