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it all started back when Queen Solaria was alive she was fighting against an army of evil monsters, and heard something once the battle was over she walked towards a bush and saw a child inside. she noticed the child was a monster but she saw the stripes on the child, Solaria walked over and kneeled down in front of the young cub.
Solaria: are you alright child? the cub got scared when she saw Queen Solaria in front of her but Solaria put her wand away and held out a hand to the young girl, she took it and was guided out of the bush.
Solaria: what is your name little one?
Felice: Felice.
Solaria: where are your parents Felice?
Felice: they were killed by other monsters Mommy tired to protect me by running but she was killed and i ran, i have no family now. Felice cried and held the young cub to her and saw how upset Felice was she knew who would help Solaria picked up Felice and went back to the castle.

*at Butterfly Castle*

Solaria: this is the throne room i have something to ask you Felice.
Felice: yes?
Solaria: when your older i want you to protect the future Queens of Mewni, can you do that can you make me proud? Felice nodded and bowed before Queen Solaria but that was many years ago, she was standing beside Queen Eclipsa as she was now queen of Mewni.
Felice: Queen Eclipsa the meeting is about to start.
Eclipsa: thank you Felice but if ever have a child i would like you to be the godmother.
Felice: of course now we must hurry i have a feeling the Magical High Commission might get impatient. it was now after the meeting and Felice was standing guard beside Eclipsa as she growled at king Shastacan knowing he did not belong, in the Butterfly family.
Felice: your no king i had swore my life to protect the future Queens of Mewni and Meteora shall inherit the kingdom, of her Mother but have no say over me. Queen Solaria has given me what i lost when i was a cub so i suggest you give Meteora to me at once Shastacan.

Shastacan: Eclipsa is gone she ran off with a monster and had this vile baby. and i would never take you away cause it is your duty to protect this family, but there is a new queen chosen her name is Festivia and i'm sure she'd like you.
Felice: i shall find Meteora one day and you will not have a say in it because you'll be in the ground soon, you Mewmans don't live forever i may be immortal. but i had lost the only family i have left i shall protect Festivia as a promise to her not you, Shastacan i will forever remember this day i will find Meteora and she shall be with her Mother again. Felice left the throne room and sat in her room.

*ten years later*

Festivia was running to the training grounds and saw Felice training, and Felice spotted the young princess then put her weapon away as she walked towards Festivia.
Felice: Festivia what're you doing here?
Festivia: i have come of age and now i hold the family wand, i wanted to show you since i'm fourteen now.
Felice: just like Eclipsa now come i have some research to do on a monster called a Septarian i need to know i can fight them, but i do not wish to befriend them. they choose to fight against magic i know you'll do great things Festivia. they both walked inside and Felice had began her research on the monsters.

Felice: one day i will end these monsters and keep the family safe i made a promise to you Solaria and i in tend to keep it.

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