Before the Story starts.

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I want to acknowledge a few things before we begin.

Important information;
There will be POV (point of view) changes but I'll mostly stick to munchkin's first person pov and Y/N's first person pov.

Y/N is the most talented guard and is only a few months younger than munchkin.

Munchkin's original design a digitigrade tv cat.
Munchkin has two sisters and a twin brother.

Munchkin where's a pink tv mask and gloves to hide the vitiligo skin his father convinced him was a burden

Hashibami and Hana.

Both of his parents are dead, good riddens to his father I say.

Munchkin is out under a lot of stress as he has to repair the damage his tyrannical father left on the kingdom, unfinished wars, arguments, enemies, unfair allies.

This is set in a time where, fuck cars we ride horses and have carriages.


F/F = favourite food
Y/N = your name
L/N = last name
F/C = favourite colour
F/S = favourite style.
M/N = Mother name
F/N = Father name.
PTSD = Post traumatic stress disorder
ADHD = Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia = fear of long words, munchkin's cousin on his mother's side has this.

Final note from the author before we begin:

I hope you all will enjoy reading my story and getting to know my precious bean on a person level, he's simply a precious boy and I want you all to know that if you have any questions about him I am more than happy to answer, if I get a lot of one question I'll make a QNA chapter. If you enjoy reading my story, feel free to add it to reading lists, library etc. none of this is canon to my king of hearts series over on my other account which you'll all have to find yourself. 😈

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