~ Wet, Humid & Cloudy ~

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The sky was dull, It didn't really give me much hope for my new job. It was wet, humid and cloudy, how was I supposed to feel any better about the existential dread of whether I've been accepted as a member of the royal guard or not. The world was giving me nothing but bad signs, then it all happened.

Knock, knock.

A knock at the door, who could it be? I have no friends, I'm too dull and serious for friends. My family has excluded me from their lives. Could be a salesman? No, it's a Monday morning. Wait... mail comes on Monday's around this time. I slowly and painfully place my hand on the door knob and turn it, a formal looking man. Hoisted sword, formal attire, fancy letter satchel. He cleared his throat, I stood up straight and looked him in the eyes with an emotionless gaze.
"Mx. Y/N L/N, I believe this letter is directed to you" he said, handing me a letter with a beautiful high-quality paper envelope and the royal wax stamp carefully keeping the mysterious contents of the letter disclosed. "Oh, thank you sir." I say, examining the letter. The man walked off, not even a goodbye or a goodluck? Rude.

I close the door and walk over to to my armchair, the floorboards creaking with every step. I sat down, the golden glow of the warm fire illuminating my skin. I slowly peel open the seal, reading the letter aloud myself!

Dear Mx. Y/N L/N,

We are pleased to inform you that your application to the guard has been accepted, unfortunately we have several others accompanying you.
The King has agreed to take the historic route of a duel amongst the other trainees, accept now with less murder.

You are to meet at the palace, tomorrow morning at 6:30 am sharp. The king's attention span can only last so long.

Deepest Regards,
Governor Cherry H. The II

Munchkin told me to tell you he says Hi.

I think to myself, 'who's Munchkin?' I read through it again, the only other person mentioned apart from the governor was the king. 'Ohhhh, that's his name. Odd name, but then again, he's a noble.' I pondered to myself.

(Very short chapter but we'll have a little more next chapter <3)

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