Chapter 18

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Valeria's pov

I collapse on the sofa in the living room and close my eyes. I can almost swear that my head hurts in the evening.

I was mentally exhausted. Who would have thought that my brothers are so stubborn. I could have thought that my dad would have protested more when I was going to give Lucas a second chance.

But I noticed as if my mom and dad were having a mindlink conversation with each other and my dad's expression was downcast. I would have liked so much to know what my mom said to him.

It took me a long time to convince my family that even though Lucas hurt me badly, I still want to give them one more chance because Onyx deserves it. I even showed them some of my memories of my conversation with Onyx.

Minus the kiss of course.

What bothers them the most is that I have decided to leave after the weekend with them to their pack.
Among werewolves, it's not strange that we immediately move in with our mate, since we are together for the rest of our lives anyway.
I can only hope that it will be true for me too and I could finally have a happy life.

I know I can't be mad at Lucas forever and I need to make things work with him so I can be completely happy.
As my mom said when we talked, "Honey, Lucas is still young and immature, he will learn from his mistakes. You just have to be patient."

Maybe I need to talk to him too.

I sighed and looked at the ceiling. I can't lie and say that I'm not nervous to go to a new pack, but at least I know Liam and I have Onyx by my side.

Speaking of Liam, he was the first to arrive in the living room and sat next to me.

"Hey Valeria, how are you? Today has been a rough day, hasn't it?" He asked sympathetically.

"You could say that, but your Alpha can be quite the asshole if he wants to. Where is he anyway?" I asked.

"Haha, I know he can be a difficultf person and an idiot at times, but Lucas is a great guy, he's my best friend and I wouldn't trade him for anyone else." He laughed.

"And where he is, he was left to sort something out with Evelyn. I don't know, she's been acting really weird while we've been here." Liam pondered.

Men, so blind.

"Isn't that pretty obvious? She likes Lucas more than a friend." I informed him.

Liam's expression changed from confused to shocked when he realized what I meant.

"No way!?" He said in surprise.

"Indeed. It doesn't bother me as long as Lucas doesn't mess things up again" I shrugged.

Then he got serious and said

"I know Lucas messed up really bad, but he's not a bad guy and even if Lucas thinks I don't know it, I know he's always wanted a mate and I'm happy for him that he finally found you." He smiled.

"I know I shouldn't interfere, but I want to ask you not to be too harsh on him. He's quite a softie under his tough exterior."

"You're a good friend Liam, I promise I'll think about it. Now tell me about your mate!" I smiled at him.

Liam's eyes lit up and he excitedly started talking about his mate Rosie.

We had time to chat for a good while before others started arriving in the living room. I noticed that Evelyn didn't show up. It doesn't bother me at all because I can't take any more drama for today.

My eyes fixed on Lucas, he seemed to freeze in place.

"Alpha Lucas." I nodded and officially acknowledged him.

"Please just call me Lucas." He said with a cautious smile.

I stared at him for a moment and could see how nervous he is under that mask of calmness.
He must have taken whatever Onyx told him seriously. So I nodded to him and continued to mingle with the others.

The alliance negotiations were decided to be postponed until tomorrow and since I'm Lucas's mate, the alliance will happen almost inevitably.
We introduced the different areas of the packi and soon it was time for dinner, which fortunately went better than lunch and Lucas gave me space.

After dinner, I informed everyone that I was going to retire to my room for the rest of the day to rest. I had turned to leave when a gentle grip on my wrist stopped me. I turned to face Lucas.

"Umm I was wondering if I could um, escort you to your room?" He asked. I could swear I saw a faint blush on his cheeks. And I have to admit that the sight warmed my heart.

"You can." And I kept walking. Lucas hurried after me.

There was an awkward silence between us until we were at my door.

"This is my stop. Have a nice rest of the evening" I told him.

"Wait!" I turned to look at him questioningly.

"I must apologize to you properly for my behavior and everything I have said. I-I know you don't want me, but I'll wait for you as long as it takes. You are my mate and I don't want anyone else." He looked me in the eyes and I could see that he was telling the truth.

"I can't forgive you." He looked defeated.

"Yet." I smiled a little and his expression brightened.

"I can accept that. I'm not going to give up." He said with determination.

I smiled again and entered my room. Before I closed the door I wished him good night.

"Good night.. Lucas." And I closed the door.

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