letter 2

57 7 1

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Why the ones we love, leave us at the very end.

You asked me why I was here. And I told you everything... leaving no extra stories...though it's just been just one day since I met you and I feel like I have known you forever. I told you how I must stay here for years like a bird in a cage well you looked at me and smiled as you said "Good for you" I pouted and then asked you how many days you're staying here...I hope I never asked that question because you're answer ruined my life you told me you had 9 days...and today was the 8th one.

When you told me this I felt something in me shattered I didn't know why it hurt me so bad but I didn't wanna lose you, Hannie I wanted to be with you...you took care of me and made me feel things that no one ever made me feel...

Han Jisung I want you to know I need you in my life forever even in death.

Hwang Hyunjin


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