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It’s painful, to love someone
from afar.

"Felix stop reading those..."Felix heard an angry voice that broke him out of his thoughts

''But Changbin hyung" Felix cried as Changbin took those letters from him

"I was supposed to burry this"changbin murmured

"Why?? It was the letter Hyunjin wrote to Jisung," Felix said

His love

Changbin sighed "Yes, he did but what is the use of it now? When Jisung is dead"

"But maybe Hyunjin wanted to give to him?'' Felix asked.

"Hyunjin wanted to but he could not, he knew very well that Jisung was gonna die so he took care of the boy and let him have no worries till his end"

"But why did Hyunjin kill himself?" Felix asked

"Love can make you go crazy Felix, He loved Jisung so much that he gave up his own life-" changbin tried to control his tears

"I'm sorry," Felix says

"I know Hyunjin is my best friend but he should not have killed himself-"

Hyunjin was severely sick but he could have been cured, his parents had that wealth but Jisung was in his last breaths and there was no one to help him

Hyunjin fell in love with him but he was late to confess... No, more like he knew that he would never get to confess his love for Jisung so that is why he wrote these letters in his memory

"If Hyunjin could have been cured-"

"He killed himself the day Jisung left It was sad they both looked like they wanted each other so much yet they both knew it was never gonna happen"

"You wanna visit Hyunjin?" Changbin asked Felix who was still gloomy

"Yea wait" Felix rushed upstairs bringing Hyunjin's letter with him

"Let's go Changbin Hyung"


"Do you think they will be together in heaven?" Felix asks looking at the young boys' graves as he places two flowers for each

"They will lix, "Changbin said as he buried the letters in Hyunjin's grave who was next to Jisung

It was a request from Hyunjin to bury the two of them together

Felix looked at them sadly

"It does not matter if the letters were never sent or it does not matter if he could not confess because of the way Hyunjin took care of Jisung...these little things were all for Jisung and maybe in his last days he knew. Hyunjin's feelings as well as his ''

"But they both stayed silent because they knew that words would hurt them "

They loved silently yet beautifully

"They did not have to tell I love you to show love but their action spoke more of it, they must have known... Jisung must have known" Felix said with a smile while he cried

Changbin hugged him close "They will...this world was cruel to them-so cruel to them but- but I'm sure they will be together"

In the end, it seemed like Hyunjin and jisung were finally free from this cruel world;

Will they ever get the chance to tell  each other how much they were in love?

Will they meet again?

Will the nine letters be sent?
-From Hyunjin to Jisung.

_ ♥️_


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