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After the death of his parents, Zander made it his life mission to protect his family. He had two younger siblings to care for and an aunt who was always trying her best to keep the family together. The past few months had been strange in mystic falls, had met somebody new at school, and always gone spending time with him. His younger brother Jeremy is becoming a stoner, which obviously doesn't blow over well at home. Zander, on the other hand, was trying to get his degree online. H is twenty-two years old and had been attending college when everything happened. He went home and switched to online school to help his family through this terrible experience. Halfway through Elena's junior year of high school, Zander was finally able to get his degree. He had finished all of his requirements and was honestly just relieved to have that weight lifted from his shoulders.

Jenna never pressured hum to get a job, which he was incredibly grateful for. He still didn't know what to do with the rest of his life. There was something out there for him. He just didn't know what it was yet. While Zander was all wrapped up in online classes and giving all of his attention to getting an education, his younger sister was tied up in a whole new world. He had no idea about it until Jeremy got involved. That's when he found out about vampires and werewolves. At first, he didn't know how to react. Of course, he was mad Elena had kept this secret from them. Elena tried to keep Zander and Jeremy out of it even after telling them, but stubbornness runs in the family. What they weren't expecting, though, was for Elena to have a twin. We'll not be a twin, a doppelganger who made things ten times hard for everyone in Mystic Falls.

Once Zander realized the danger Elena was in simply for being alive, he knew he had to do everything in his power to help her. Whether Elena likes it or not.

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