Chapter Two

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Learning later that the vampire I came in contact with was named Elijah. Rose, the woman I had, met at the house and was staying with Stefan and Damon because she had nowhere else to go. Rose told us everything about Elijah, that he was one of the oldest vampires alive. They were called the Originals. There was another original named Klaus, who was the one who truly wanted Elena due to the fact that she was the dappleganger. I didn't want to believe this, knowing we were all in danger now; not just Elena. Rose claimed that Klaus would do anything to get to her. Even if it meant killing people along the way. According to Kathrine, he was trying to undo a curse. In order to break that curse, he had to sacrifice Elena.  If Elena didn't give into Klaus' wishes, he would kill everyone she cared about. He killed Kathrine's entire family just because she turned into a vampire. After it was made clear that she was in danger, I made Elena promise that she wouldn't leave me in the dark. Which is what led them into the conversation with Rose.

Elena and I had gone to the Salvatore's house in hopes of finding Rose. She had clearly slept with Damon, which almost made me laugh because I had seen that coming from a mile away. "Bad idea." Rose said as Elena explained her intentions. "Not its not, Slater clearly has more information about Klaus. Information I need to know." Elena said, trying to reason with the vampire. "Why are you coming to me with this?" Rose asked, raising an eyebrow at Elena and I. "Because you owe me." Elena said, shrugging her shoulders. "Damon and Stefan could have killed you for kidnapping me." She continued, looking up at Rose, who scoffed. "Or maybe it's because they wouldn't want you doing this?" Rose asked, which they all knew was the truth. "Rose, Klaus isn't going to stop until he gets what he wants." I said, meeting her gaze. "Please just help us try to be one step ahead of him." I pleaded with her, watching as her expression softened slightly. "So, will you take us to Slater?" I asked hopefully, watching as Rose sighed out softly.

"What do you hope to achieve by this?" Rose asked, clearly still suspicious. "How would you like to walk in the daylight?" Elena asked, raising an eyebrow. "I've been a slave to the shadows for 500 years. What do you think?" Rose replied, laughing quietly. "I have a witch who will do whatever it takes to help if you're willing to make a deal." Elena said as Rose glanced between us. "Fine, we have a deal." Rose said, causing both Elena and I to grin in success. Rose led us to Slater's apartment almost to eagerly after their negotiation. It must have sucked not being able to go out during the day. I don't think I would have lasted 500 years without losing it. When we got to the apartment, Rose knocked on the door, but there was no response even after Rose called out his name. "He's not home." Rose said, backing away from the door. I shook my head, staring Rose down. "Can't you just break it down? We drove all this way." I reasoned with her, crossing my arms and letting out a sigh of annoyance. Elena and I watched as Rose broke through the door, leading them inside. It was oddly quiet in the apartment, and it was quite dark, too. No lights were on, and it felt more like a haunted house than an apartment.

"Slater?" Rose called out. "I don't think he's going to be much help." This caused both Elena and I to rush over. Only to be met by Slater's dead body on the floor. As Rose took care of the body, Elena and I searched through the files on Slater's desk. "Maybe whoever blew up the coffee shop killed him?" I suggested,  skimming through the files in front of me. "Probably to stop him from helping people like us." Rose said, walking up next to them. "He had a lot of information. Clearly, people didn't like that." She said, looking a little sad as she talked about her friend. All of a sudden, Rose went over to the curtains and opened them. Elena and I both gasped, looking at the girl in confusion. "What are you -" Elena beforehand Rose cut her off. "UV rays can't penetrate, I used to come here to watch the day." Rose trailed off, looking out the window. "I'm sorry about your friend." I spoke up, looking over at Rose. She turned around, smiling slightly at me. "Any luck?" Rose asked, changing the subject. We both shook our heads in response.

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