1. Meat Grinder

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A/N: So this will have really really slow updates, cause for one the plot isn't too planned out and also i'm more focus on my other book Dream On right now, this is more of a side piece lol. But i've been really into Record of Ragnarok for awhile, and i had this saved in drafts so ya. Hope it isn't too shit. I chose a high school at cause honestly I can't think of a single situation in the main anime where my faves live. I originally wanted to do some kind of time travel loopholed where they live, but thats way too much effort lol.

​​"[Name]!! Wake up!"

A groan escaped your mouth, as the sound of your mother's voice filled your ears. Immediately after waking up, your eyes were violated by the bright light that entered the room. It was the middle of the summer, and the sun couldn't possibly get any brighter than this.

You could smell the savory scent of bacon and eggs that filled the room, telling you that your mother was cooking breakfast. She didn't cook for you every morning, but the days she did you made sure to appreciate it dearly. Not a single thing in this world was better than her cooking. Your mouth watered just at the simple smell of her food.

"I told you to get up! Don't make me tell you twice!" Your mother cried, to which you immediately got out of bed. You took a minute to make sure you didn't look completely unbearable, before exiting the hobbit hole which you called your room.

As soon as you left your room and headed to the kitchen, she spared you a glance before turning back to the food she was cooking. You looked over her shoulder to see bacon, eggs and toast on the skillet she held. A classic, all American breakfast.  "Took you long enough. Any longer and I would have gone into retirement waiting for you."

You let out a small unamused chuckle, reaching into the cabinet to grab a cup of water. You went to the sink, and turned on the tap as you leaned against the counter. "Funny. Since when did you become a comedian?"

"Since I had a clown for a daughter." Your mother replied with a smug grin. "The mailman just came by, can you go out and get it for me? I got my hands a little busy with the cooking."

"The hot one?" You question as she threw a towel at your face.

She grumbled something about how she hated teenagers and turned back to cooking food. You couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh at her annoyance. 

Once you finished your cup of water and set it in the sink, you walked through the small kitchen and out the door to collect the mail.

As you stepped outside the glaring summer sun shot right into your eyes, probably causing permanent retina damage. You could feel the heat against your skin, drawing out a small cast of sweat across your forehead. Gross.

Through each summer the heat had been rising steadily, most likely due to global warming, but this year had been the worst of all. What made your life even more miserable than it already was, your family didn't have air conditioning so all you could do was bake all day in the oven you called a house.

You walked up to the old, broken down mailbox that sat in your front yard and took out the mail. The mailbox was rusty, old and on the verge of breaking down just like everything else in the neighborhood.

You flipped through the mail nonchalantly as you walked back to the house. It's not that you really cared about the mail, but it just happened to be the most interesting thing in your possession at the moment. As you flipped through the mail, you stopped in your tracks. There had been an envelope... addressed to you?

Unable to contain your curiosity, you read the contents of the envelope to see who it was from. For a second, you thought the heat had been playing tricks on your mind but the longer you looked at the letter the more sure you became that it was real.

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