4. Paradise City

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The sheen light reflected from the sun, shining down on your face leaving a nice warm hue. The soft velvety texture of your bed sheets rubbed against your skin, kissing it with its softness and purity. You felt warm, like you were back in your mother's embrace as a little kid. This feeling, this comfort, you wanted to treasure it forever. How could a simple bed make you feel so serene? You could never know.

And who could forget the best part? The incessant banging noise that rang across the room...

Wait... banging?

You groggily forced yourself up, your entire body feeling numb from just having woken up. Your senses were dull and joints were stiff, even so it had been one of the best sleeps of your life. Seriously though... this place was stacked and yet they couldn't put soundproof walls? Maybe you were being a bit critical here, but fuck that.

You looked towards the clock on the wall for a time check... but it was an analog clock and it was too early for your brain to function properly so you just checked your phone. You looked at the screen and your eyes widened at the number.

It was... 1 o'clock. You slept in... like grossly slept in. You supposed the mattress was just so comfortable, you unknowingly slept through your normal schedule and into the middle of the afternoon. Still, you would have thought Bruinhild would wake you up or something. Not that she was obligated to, but today was the day you were supposed to sign all the documents and notation to officially enroll into the academy.

Still, there was still the problem of all that banging. It wasn't a constant noise, there was no pattern to it either. It just happened at random times. Sometimes there would be a two minute pause between the bangs, and sometimes there would be a two second pause. It wasn't super loud either, however just enough for it to reach your ears and annoy you. If anything, the random order of the noise was more aggravating than a constant one.

Not-so gracefully, you stepped out into the halls of your dorm to investigate the noise. Not for the sake of going back to bed though, as of now your curiosity was completely overpowering the sleepiness you felt. So much so that you weren't even tired anymore, it was taking a morning cup of coffee, except in irritating bangs.

Forcing yourself up from the bed, you let out a small yawn and a morning stretch. You could feel cold morning air hit your arms, as they went up into the air. You remembered going to sleep in your regular clothes last night, so you must have kicked off the extra ;ayers in your sleep, leaving you in your undergarments.

Walking over to your suitcase, you fished out the first pair of clothes you saw. It wasn't an outfit to write home about since you picked it up quickly, but it would do for now.

Quickly you threw the clothes on and walked into some slides, ready to investigate the origin of the strange noise. You almost felt like a detective in a crime show, or maybe like the really oblivious character in a horror movie who dies first... Well, too late now. You were already dressed, so if you died then so be it.

You walked out into the familiar hall from last night, only it was illuminated with daylight instead of artificial light. It gave the hallway a lighter feel. Looking out one of the windows, you could see the big campus. A few students roamed around on the street but overall it was much less rowdy than when you had first arrived. Not that it was exactly rowdy in the first place, this was a private school after all.

You followed the banging down the hallway towards the source of the noise. It was a bit hard to navigate given the odd frequency of the knocks, but with a hope, dream and a prayer you managed to find the door that seemed to be holding the source of your annoyance and curiosity.

None of the doors had actual numbers on them, rather they had labels presented on huge gold plates. For public rooms like the student lounge, the embroidered gold piece had a silver outline. Meanwhile the student's personal dorms were just set in a gold plate, with their names carved into them in cursive.

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