2. Dead Man Walking

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A/N: I'm really getting into this AU. I'm so so excited to introduce more characters and more about the whole lore I have planned. Also, I'm just going to come out and say that not all 13 fighters on each side will be love interests. I don't have all the love interests completely planned out, so if u want anyone specifically then say it now or forever hold your peace!

"[Name] dear, did you remember to pack your toothbrush?"

You let out a groan at your mother's inquiry. She had always been the type of mother to be a bit... overbearing. You didn't blame her in the slightest, you were her only child and she was a struggling single mother so it only made sense in your mind that she would be meticulous in everything she does. Still though, who would be dumb enough to forget something like a toothbrush?

"Yes mom!" you grumbled, as she tried to plant a deep kiss on your cheek much to your annoyance. It was so embarrassing. The two of you stood in the middle of the airport about to board your flight to Rome and here she was trying to smother her teenage daughter with kisses. This was complete and utter public humiliation! You could only hope that there were any people your age at this airport that could see your suffering.

"I'm sorry dear, it's just that I hate to see you go!" Your mother sighed as she held you tighter in her arms, as if you were some kind of teddy bear. "I thought I had at least a few more years until you went away to university, but now you're going abroad for highschool! Oh kids, they just grow up so fast!! Soon you'll graduate, move out, get a boyfriend, have kids-!!!"

"I'll be home in a few months anyways for winter break." You cut her off as you slapped your hands over your ears. You didn't wanna hear about the idea of having kids in the future, especially from your own mother of all people! All she did was pout, causing you to drop your hands in surrender. "I swear, you're so dramatic. Sometimes I think you should have been an actor instead of a mother. "

She pinched your cheek and wiggled it around. "I couldn't because I had you, my little bugger!"

Before you could ask what she meant, the voice of the receptionist boomed across the room.


"That's my flight." You said impassively, as you looked back to see other passengers boarding the plane,

"It is indeed" She replied and she pulled into a hug. Her hand rubbed circles into your back, and you could no longer feel an ounce of embarrassment. Her embrace was full of comfort and love, the feeling of hug that you now realized you wouldn't see for a while. You hugged her back and rested your head on her shoulder.

"My dearest daughter." She softly murmured. "I'll miss you, but I know you will do great things. Remember to have fun along the way, and if anything happens you can always come home. My arms will always be open to you."

She then broke off the hug, and knocked you lightly upside the head. "And don't do anything stupid. Just use im not there to keep you in line isn't an excuse to slack off!"

A small laugh escaped your throat as you rolled your eyes playfully and gave a fake pout. "You have such little faith in me! I'm so hurt!"

"Oh quit your whining!" She said as she pushed you forward. "Now get going! You don't wanna be stuck with your mom for another year, do ya?"

"I suppose not" You giggled as you ran to catch the plane.

You felt like your heart was about to burst with excitement. For as scared as you felt towards going to a foreign country on your own, you also felt a sense of adventure, a sense of excitement at the idea of exploring the unknown. You couldn't help but allow a huge smile to grow on your face, as you stepped forward into your new life. You could never possibly know what was ahead, but then again you never would if you didn't have the courage to face it.

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