3. Better in the Dark

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A/n: I feel like so much of this chapter was spent describing things, so sorry!

The closer you got to the school, the more you came to appreciate the architecture behind the old building. The school was still impressive from far away, however up close it almost seemed unreal. It felt as if you were in some kind of fantasy world.

The light gray stone coating the outside of the school reflected the light of the sun, giving the school a small luminescent glow. There were multiple towers and turrets, spiraling around the castle-like building. Small details were engraved in the stone, exhibiting the intricate detail put into the architecture. Some of it had been scraped off and worn down over time, however that simply added to the old-school elegance of the building.

There were tons of beautiful glass windows decorating the frame of the building, lined with a tasteful amount of gold. It was engraved and decorated immensely, yet it didn't show off to the point where it was an eyesore. On top of the ledges and towers, you could see gargoyles lining the building. Their faces were set in an eternal state of anger, warding off any intruders on the property. You could appreciate the old renaissance vibe it gave. It almost reminded you of a cathedral.

For as impressive as the school was, what was even more impressive was the campus surrounding the area. It was huge, almost like a mini village or town. From the outside, you could see big buildings and plenty of outdoor fields and areas for activities. Fields, pools, rinks, playgrounds and much more were scattered throughout the gated community. There were restaurants, libraries, and movie theaters too! And that was just what you could see from the outside! The huge gate surrounding the area blocked most of your vision from school, only the really big things sticking out over the gate. Who knows what kinds of things they had on the inside.

You, Brunhild and the chauffeur that had driven you to the school all walked along a cobblestone path to the school. As you got closer the scenery around the school became more life-like. The trees seemed taller, shrubs were fuller, the flowers seemed brighter and everything was just overall more alive. It was like walking through an enchanted forest from a fairy tale.

Eventually after a few minutes of walking, your trio had arrived at the gate. The entrance was large an intricate, the gold bars swirling around in different patterns. On either side of the gate, there stood a bodyguard. Huge men, probably in their late 40's wearing all black suits glared down at you as you approached. Their arms were probably the size of your head, there was no doubt they could take you out with their pinky fingers.

The chauffeur tipped his hat towards the men with a charming smile as he approached. You and Brunhild stood back, letting the man take over this conversation.

"Good evening gentlemen." He said to the stoic men. "I see you've been working hard today as usual. I applaud you"

The man didn't react to the sweet talk in the slightest, and glared down at the chauffeur. "You need your ID to enter."

The man let out a small laugh, and fished out two cards from his pocket. "Aha, just as professional as ever I see. That's to be expected. Here, an ID for both young Ms.[Lastname] and Ms.Brunhild."

The security guard brought the two ID's closer to his face. With a perceptive and trained eye, he looked between you, Brunhild and the ID's to make sure there was nothing amiss. After talking a good minute to be sure that the ID's were genuine, he nodded.

"Alright. You two ladies can go ahead." He said. The bouncer turned his back to you, and input a code into the security system. You couldn't see what he put in exactly, but from the amount of time it took for him to type it out you could guess it was a pretty long damn password. After his fingers finally pulled away from the keyboard and the gate opened.

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