The Beginning

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Neru's POV

     I walked to class alone like always. I always try to get to class early just so I don't have to deal with being late or the girls who always try to corner me outside of the classroom. As I sat at my desk, waiting for the teacher to come, I think about what happened during lunch. 

     OH MY GOD!!! What the heck is wrong with me?!! This is the absolute worst idea I've ever had!!! Am I trying to make my life worse?!! I'm already an outcast!! This is just going to make my life even worse than it already is!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH

Len's POV


     As I walk into the classroom, I automatically see Neru since she's the only other person. Her face is in a petrified shock expression and I can tell that she's probably thinking of what she said during lunch. I get it. I have been too.

     The classroom isn't a typical Japanese classroom. It kind of has the setup of a courtroom but it's not as large and it's not quite that formal, I mean, this is a prestigious academy only meant for people who specifically have qualities that were set from birth. Of course, it would be different than what others have. In a way, it's kind of disconcerting. I mean, we don't have to earn it or anything. It's just decided at birth that we get these glamorous lifestyles while others have to work for it. No wonder there are people who oppose us.

     I walk to my seat which is the same seat that Neru's in since it's supposed to be built for two people. I wave my hand in front of her face.

     "Oi. Neru. Stop having a panic attack in the middle of the classroom. You look like you just dropped your phone and saw it get smashed into tons of tiny pieces. Nobody's ever going to want to be with you like that," I say in my most bland voice possible.

     That finally snaps her out of it and I can see her getting mad already. I quickly raise my hands up to defend myself from her fists of fury.

     "YOU IDIOT!!! You can't just say that! You know that that's going too far..." she trails off and I look to see that she has her head down. I would almost feel bad if I hadn't known Neru for so long and can see through her attempt. Then, a moment goes by and I'm wondering if I maybe did go too far.

      "Hey, don't get too down about it. I was only joking..." I trail off because at that exact moment, Neru starts laughing. 

     "I can't believe you still fell for it! I haven't used that trick since our beta years," she says while still snickering a little.

      "Ha ha. It was so funny. Who ever knew your tricks were so creative," I say, feeling a bit offended.

     "Hmph. Oh, lighten up Len, it's not like this is the first time this has happened."

     Another moment goes by and I can tell that the conversation from lunch is still bothering her. I start to think about it too. Would it really be that bad? I mean, what's the worst that's going to happen? Best case scenario, this whole plan might get both Miku and Kaito jealous and we'll both get what we want. I mean, sure I'll have to act like I'm in a relationship with Neru but the possible outcome makes up for that. Hm, I think I might actually like this plan.

     I open my mouth to tell Neru that but then I get interrupted by Miku and her usual group of friends walking in. Kaito's with them and just seeing him holding Miku's hand makes me pissed. Not that I have any right to and I know that well enough. Some of the girls come over to try and flirt with me while people come piling in before the teacher comes. I try to be polite enough to not offend them but still not enough to make them think I actually like them in that way. It's like this almost every day so I'm used to it.

     I can see Neru from the corner of my eye and I can tell she's uncomfortable. She never really likes to have too much attention drawn to her or near her. It's one of the reasons she doesn't like sitting next to me. She's staring in the direction of Miku and I can only assume that she's staring at Kaito so I don't think too much of it. Oh well. I just hope the teacher comes soon so I don't have to deal with this much longer.

Neru's POV


     As much as it unnerves me how forward these girls are with Len, I can't help but think about how I'd have to do the same thing in our fake relationship. Wait, no! Stop thinking about that! He hasn't even said yes! It's not like I even like the idea anyways even if I was the one to suggest it. I'd just like for Len to finally get what he wants after all the pining he's done. 

     I can't help but notice how Miku's glances over towards him every now and then. She does that a lot. It's one of the reasons why I think Miku just might feel something for Len other than her sisterly affection. Some of the girls are glaring at me. I know it's because they're jealous of how close I am with Len. Just imagine how much worse they'll be if I actually do "date" Len.

     Before I have too much time to think about it though, the teacher finally comes and the girls flirting with Len go back to their own seats and Kaito goes off to wherever the heck Vocaloids go off to when they're not with the trainees. Before long, it's another lecture about what to expect when we become Vocaloids and practice.

Time Skip

     It's finally time to go back home. It's winter right now so the sun's setting already and the temperature has gone even more down. I wait for Len anyways since we've started walking together now that Haku and Rin are usually hanging out together now. I don't know why it matters. We all go back to the same house anyways. I mean, I say house, but it's more like a mansion. There's so many rooms and it's amazing how there are so many people living in it and yet it's not cramped, we never have to wait for others in the bathroom somehow and for some reason, it feels normal. Not that there's really anything else we've experienced so that might be it. Honestly, it might be magic.

      Len finally comes at that moment with a kind of anxious expression on his face. I was confused on why.

     Then he answers me by saying somewhat hesitantly," So you remember what you said during lunch..." 

     Oh. Of course that's what he's thinking about. I'm such an idiot. Now he's probably feeling awkward around me. Not that I expected anything else, I'm just sad that this will effect our relationship already. 

     In a desperate attempt to save our comfortable friendship, I blurt out, "it doesn't have to mean anything. We can forget all about it if you want!" At the same time, he says, "I think it wouldn't be a bad idea if we did do that."

     I stare at him, feeling my body go into shock.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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