Chapter 1: The Hospital Visit

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Hey there Mysterio family fans, I'm back! Thanks for the reads to this! Granted it's not that many, but still better than nothing right? Anyway, the hospital I'm using for this story is named Select Specialty Hospital. And yes it's a real life hospital in San Diego, so therefore I do not own it. Also, any translations in Spanish/Irish are from Google. Enjoy!

Chapter One: The Hospital Visit

Day of week: early Wednesday morning
Time: 6:30 AM Pacific Time
Location: Aalyah's apartment complex

One day in the middle of another busy week, Aalyah Gutierrez - daughter of WWE Legend and Hall of Famer Rey Mysterio - was at her apartment, getting ready to go to class. She had just had breakfast and fed her dog Ellie before finally getting her laptop computer and other stuff ready to leave. Shortly after getting into her car though, her cell phone buzzed.


"What was that? Nobody ever messages me this early in the morning," Aalyah thought to herself.

She took her phone out of the cup holder and looked at it. She saw an unread text message from her older brother Dominik. She opened the message and read:

Dom: Aalyah, it's Dominik. Where r u right now?
Lyah: Going to school, actually. Why, what's going on? Everything okay?
Dom: No 😔 Dad and I are actually at the hospital right now. I'm not really feeling too great 😖
Lyah: How come? What's the matter?
Dom: IDK actually. My left side hurts soooo bad to the point that I cannot walk. And I've come pretty close to throwing up a couple times because the pain is so bad 😭 Been up and in pain since 1 this morning.
Lyah: Geez bud, I'm sorry 💔 You must feel horrible right now!
Dom: I really do. Meet me and Dad at Select Specialty Hospital? Por favor, Aalyah?

Aalyah bit her lip, trying not to cry. It was very rare for her to see her brother upset or in pain, and she hated it. Wiping away a few loose tears, she replied back:

Lyah: Por supuesto. Be there in a few minutes.

Letting out a shaky breath, she sent another message to her professor, telling him that she wouldn't be able to be at class. She told him that she had a family emergency, and luckily he ended up being understanding about the whole thing and to keep him updated. After she sent another message to her boyfriend Joshua, she finally drove off to meet her brother and dad at the hospital.

At the hospital

When Aalyah finally made it inside the hospital, her dad Rey was in the waiting room of the ER. He saw her, stood up, walked over to her, and hugged her tight.

"Hola princesa," he said softly.

"Hey dad," she replied just as softly. "Where is Dominik exactly? Is he okay?"

At that, Rey shook his head.

"No he's not okay, kiddo. He feels really miserable," he told his daughter. "At about 10:30 last night, Dom told your mother and I that his left side was bothering him. At the time, the pain was sort of off and on, so he thought it would be okay. Then at about 1 in the morning, he said that the pain was a lot worse. And by this time, he was in tears."

Aalyah bit her lip again, upset about the idea of her brother being in pain. She felt like she should've been home with her family last night instead of her apartment. Noticing his daughter crying and upset, Rey gave her another hug and rubbed her back.

"It's okay, Aalyah. Dom will be okay," he told her soothingly. "Did Dom tell you that he's in pain to the point that he can't walk by himself?"

Aalyah nodded her head yes.

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