One Week Later

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Hello everybody, Jen here again! Back for another update to my Mysterio family series. That's right, series. Here's what I'm thinking about everything now:

*For this story, I have two more chapters planned. This one, and one more afterward to finally end it out.

*For I'll be There For You part 2, I'm not doing Aalyah's appendix removal quite yet. I've been thinking about making Dominik undergo an endoscopy at some point just to make sure that he doesn't have anything else going on in his system. This time his whole family will be taking care of him. Will take place about a week after the events of this story; will most likely only have about 3 or 4 chapters. (I'll Be There For You part 2)

*For part 3, Aalyah gets her appendix out. Just how will Dominik be able to take care of his younger sister? (I'll Be There For You part 3)

And finally, part 4: Dominik and Aalyah take a trip to the East Coast with their parents and their partners. (Mysterio Family Vacation)

Anyways, back to this. 185 reads?! Wow, you guys are great! ❤️

Chapter 6: One Week Later

Over the past week, Dominik had been doing great in his recovery, taking all of his pills when he was supposed to. It had taken him a bit to get used to not being on the road with the Judgment Day, but he had made it through. He had slowly started working out again as well, and also making plans with Aalyah over how they were going to spend the weekend together. For today, he was meeting her and Marie at Mellow Massage, then driving himself and his sister to the hotel that their parents had booked last week before heading out to dinner.

Now Dominik was on his way to Mellow Massage when his phone rang. It was the COO of WWE, Paul "Triple H" Levesque.

"Hello?" he answered once he'd hit the accept button.

"Hey kiddo, it's Paul," the older man answered back. "We just wanted to know how you were doing with your recovery."

"It's going great, actually. I only have 2 more of my antibiotic pills, and then I'm done."

"Good to hear." Then there was a brief pause. "Actually, we ended up hearing back from the hospital that you stayed at. Before I continue, we do think that we can bring you out on the road on Monday. But... you're not quite cleared to wrestle again yet. They actually want to arrange for you to undergo one more test next Friday."

Hearing that, Dominik felt a little nervous. He thought the worst part of his medical problems was over. What else did he have to do to get cleared to wrestle in the ring again?

"And what would that test be, exactly?" he asked, his voice cracking a little.

"They want for you to undergo an endoscopy next week. It just basically involves them putting you to sleep and using a camera to look in your mouth and stomach," Paul told him calmly.

"Does my Dad know about this, Paul?"

"Yes he does. We already talked to him about the test and gave him the time off to be with you."

Thinking about what he'd just heard, Dominik bit his lip hard while his eyes filled with tears. He finally cried for a few seconds and wiped his eyes while letting out a few sniffles.

"Dom, listen to me. This is just a precautionary measure to ensure that there's nothing else going on inside you, that's all. It doesn't even hurt either; it's all very painless. You won't even feel a thing. There is no reason for you to get upset about this. You'll be okay, bud," Paul told him soothingly.

"I hope so. Sorry for getting upset there, I really am. This is all just really frustrating," Dom replied, wiping away a few more tears and trying not to cry again.

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