Chapter 2

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"Wake up y/n." I slowly stretched, and looked at my mom who called out my name.
"No." I said, and tried to go back to sleep. She pulled the covers off of me, and shook me awake.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" She yelled, while shaking me with a smile. I could never get mad at her when's she's this  happy.

"I'm up..." I slowly made my way out of bed and dropped on the floor rubbing my eyes.
"What's for breakfast?" I asked, getting off the floor and stretching.

"Steamed rice with miso soup, and veggies." She said disappearing to the kitchen. I could smell the miso soup, and man did it smell divine.
"Mmm looks delicious." I said sitting at the table.

"Why of course it does, I made it." She said confidently. I giggled and dug into the yummy food. After eating my breakfast, I put on some jeans and a hoodie with a pair of sneakers.

"Alright mom, I'm heading out to the school to get my uniform!" I said, heading out the door.
"Okay be careful! Text me when you get there, and back!" She said. I closed the door and headed down the side walk. I put my earbuds in and listened to my favorite song.

After about thirty minutes, I made it to the school.
"Hello, what can I do for you today?" Asked the lady at the front desk.
"Im here for my uniform my name is l/n y/n." I said, putting my phone in my back pocket.

"Okay, let me go get it for you." She said, and got up from her seat, then headed to the back.
Will I get my schedule too?

"Okay here you go, and we'll have have your schedule printed out for you in a second." She said handing me a medium sized box with the school logo on it.

"Okay thank you." I said, and stood for about five minutes. She came out with two papers stapled together.
"Sorry it took so long, paper jam." She said with a chuckle.

"No need to apologize, thank you." I said, grabbing the two papers and leaving. I was glad I didn't live that far away. I folded the papers, and put them in my other back pocket.

As I was heading down the side walk of the school, I suddenly felt something hit me in the back of the head. The box dropped and I fell to the ground.

"Sorry about that!" Said a boy, running up to me. He had black hair and brown eyes that looked like they could glare at me all day.

"Sorry, our captain was being stupid." He said, helping me get up. I bent down to get my fallen uniform, but someone picked it up for me, and put it in my hands.

"That was my bad! But hey?! You look all good to me!" Said a boy that looked like an owl, scanning me up and down.

"Bokuto! Stop being an ass!" Said the black haired boy, punching the owl looking one in the side of his stomach. He then forced his head down, making him bow in apology.

I didn't know what to say, and I didn't want to sound like a jerk, so I hugged my uniform to my chest and bowed to them.

"It's fine." I said and walked off. I don't really care, but they should close the gym doors if they're going to be that stupid.

I finally made it home, and I fell on my bed.
"Tomorrow's school." I said to myself, tossing my uniform at the bottom of my bed.

"That was awkward, the school already seems...weird, but then again they apologized, so I shouldn't be bad mouthing them behind their backs." I sighed to myself, sitting up I grabbed my phone and texted mom that I was back home safely.

she replied with heart and a thumbs up emoji. I looked through my phone on social media, and found a post of one of my favorite artists on a swimming trip.

"That looks fun." I giggled to myself. I scrolled down, and saw a familiar face. It was the owl boy that hit me with a volleyball.

"He seems like an odd ball." I said, going to the comments of his post. All of them were complimenting him on how either cute he was, or how hot he was.

"Damn and he replied to each one, saying he 'knows how hot he is'." I laughed at his confident responses. I never met someone this confident, other than my mom of course.

After looking through my phone for a couple of minutes, I heard the front door open.

"I'm home!" I heard my mom yell, from the front door. I got off my bed and headed to greet her.
"Hey mom, I got my uniform." I said, hugging her with a kiss on the cheek.

"Thats great! you'll have to show me what it looks like. I got groceries in the car, can you help me put them away?" She asked with a big smile on her face.

"Yeah, of course." I said, heading to the car. When bringing in groceries, I always had to grab as many bags as I could carry.

"Honey it's not a competition." Mom laughed at me, as I held three bags in each hand. My mom had one in each of hers

"I know, but it's faster this way." I said, heading inside. She shrugged, and went inside behind me.
After a few minutes, we finished putting the bags in the house, and put the stuff away.

"So...want to order udon?" Mom asked, looking at me. She was probably exhausted.
"I can cook mom, you don't have to." I said giggling at her.

"Are you sure?" She asked, looking guilty.
"Yes mom, no need to give me sad eyes; plus I like to cook anyway." I said, opening the fridge that had new, fresh ingredients.

"I'll make udon." I said, starting to grab the stuff I needed. She smiled at me, and sat at the table waiting for food to be done.

Once I was done, I some udon I put it in my mom's favorite bowl.
"Here you are madam." I said placing the udon on the table.

I grabbed my bowl of udon, and sat at the table as well.
"It looks delicious y/n, someday a man will appreciate your cooking so much, he'll marry you on the spot." She said grabbing her chopsticks and taking a bite.

"Don't say that, I'm not interested in getting married." I said eating my udon.
"You'll meet someone." She said, giggling.

Once we were done, I cleaned the dishes and headed to bed. I sat on my bed wondering, what the next day would be like?

"Good night sweetheart, and remember to wake up early for school." My mom whispered through the crack of my open door.

"Night mom, and I won't. No need to worry." I said, getting under the covers of my bed. I then started thinking, about that boy and his friend.

Will I see them tomorrow? Are they as stupid as they look? Will they notice me? Thoughts over flowed in my head, as I turned in my bed.

"Stop insulting them, you don't even know them." I said scolding myself. I stared at my ceiling, and I started to drift off into a deep sleep.

(Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you have any ideas, pls comment. Thanks for reading!🙏💕)

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