Chapter 3

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I turned in my covers, hearing the alarm on my phone go off.
"Ugghh." I grumbled removing the covers, and sinking to the floor.

"Shut up, stupid phone." I said, turning off the alarm. I got up, and headed to the bathroom.
I took a shower, brushed my hair, and then my teeth.

Finally, time to put on the uniform. You put on the white long sleeve button up it was a little tight but comfortable.
"The shirts a little tight." I said, looking down at my chest. I wasn't fat but I wasn't skinny either, and I was fine with it. I wasn't ashamed of my body. Yeah, maybe some insecurities here and there, but who doesn't?

I put on the black skirt, and thigh high tights. Lastly, the gray blazer.
"I look cute." I said to myself in my bedroom mirror.

I quickly grabbed my bag and headed out the door. My mom already headed to work this morning, and packed me some lunch.

"Finally here." I said to myself, standing in front of the school gates. Students flooded in, and I joined the crowd. I pushed my way passed some people, and went to my first class.

"Okay please wait outside, and I'll introduce you, okay?" Said the teacher kindly. I nodded, and waited out side to be called in.

"Hush class! we have a new student here with us today, so please treat them kindly." She said, and opened the door for me.

I stepped in, and immediately felt pressure. Not cause of how I look, but because of what I might say.
"Hi." I said, bringing my hand up and waving.

Who in their right mind does that?! Say your name! Your age or something!? Anything!?
I started to panic in my head, and just blurted out whatever came to mind.

"I have a cat named Fuku, and my name is y/n!" I mentally slapped yourself. Why did I say that?! No one wants to know about your cat, and they need to know your last name too, dumbass!

"Y/n is my first name, and... l/n is my last name. Please take care of me." I said, Bowing once more.
I saw some kids laughing at me, and some just silently staring at me.

I stood there in awkward silence, when finally the teacher asked me to take a seat.
"Take a seat behind... Tachi!" She said pointing at the kid who had blue hair, that was spiked up is different directions.

"Okay." I said blankly, and sat behind the boy known as Tachi. I laid my head on the desk, mentally exhausted.

"You alright?" Asked I voice in front of me. I looked up the see Tachi, turned in his seat. I nodded, and looked around seeing everyone talking to each other and goofing off.

"We don't usually have work in this class. It's like a freebie." He said looking around. I looked at him and tapped his shoulder.

"I know it's rude of me to ask, but since this is a free class. Do you think you could show me around, so that maybe I could get used to the halls and stuff?" I asked nervously, my face being covered by the sleeve of my blazer.

"Of course."Tachi said, and stood up.
I stoop up immediately, and grabbed my bag.

"And lastly the gyms are outside." He said, finishing the tour. He gave me great info and even a map, but I had to give him my number in the process.

"You okay?" Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked at Tachi
"Yeah all good. So you play...what sport?" I asked he stared at me and chuckled.

"I play basketball." He said, I nodded slowly.
"That's cool." I said he looked at me and smiled.
"Well the bells about to ring for next period." He said, walking off without a word and just waving at me.

"Thank you." I said quietly not wanting to yell, my next class was math. I'm good at math. I soon finished half of my classes, and the lunch bell rang.

"Shit who will I sit with? Will I be eating alone? AGAIN?!" I asked myself, bonking my head on the nearest wall.

Stop over thinking! I thought to myself.

"Oh wait!? I have Tachi! But wait I'm not his only friend? Can I even call him my friend? He only showed me around? But I got his number?" As I started to mumble to myself, a wave of people walked past me. One of the people bumped into me and I went face first in the ground.

"Ow!" I hissed holding my nose with my hand.
"Damn it Bokuto! see what happens when you don't pay attention!?" A boy yelled. I looked to the ground at my blood that came from my nose.

"I'm so sorry, he wasn't looking were he was going." Said a girl, helping me up.
"No it's fine I was the one standing in the way." I said dizzily.

"It's clearly not fine your nose is bleeding!" She yelled, turning and punching the boy who bumped into me. She the started to call him names.

"No please, it's my fault." I said I looked at the group of people, and fear went straight into my body.

"No it's not sweetie? it's his!" She said pointing at the boy, who seemed to be sulking in guilt. He looked at me, and suddenly changed his whole attitude.

"It's you!" He yelled getting closer to me I stepped back and he stopped.
"Oh come on!? You can't be scared of me right?...right?" He said turning gloomy.

I was froze in place not knowing what to say.
"I'm going to the nurse! my nose is hungry!" I said, and ran off in the opposite direction. I mentally slapped myself, realizing what I just said.

"That's so embarrassing! I was hungry, but I needed to go to the nurses office. I got them confused, and let them both out at the same time." I hit my head on the bathroom wall punishing myself for my stupidity, as I grabbed a thing of toilet paper and stuffed it up my nose.

"Okay next is?..gym? Ew!" I said, hating being in gym clothes.
I made my way to the gym, and when I went in. I was welcomed with a ball to the face... again.

"Why me?" I said, grumbling in anger. My fuse had been toyed with all day! And it's about to blow!

"Dang new girl! seems you can't get a break huh?" Asked the boy who bumped into me in the halls.
I mumbled something he couldn't hear, and he got closer.

"What did you say?" He asked, putting his ear to my face.
"I said...I'm going to KILL you!" I yelled, punching him in the face. I instantly felt guilty. I know he didn't mean to, but I just got so angry. I ran over to him in pity.

"I'm so sorry I've just been having a bad day!" I said apologizing. Soon a whole bunch of people came out of the gym gathering around us.

"I'm sorry! I truly am! I'll do anything to repent for what I did!" I said looking at his face, seeing blood run down his nose. I bent down to see if he was okay and...BONK!!

"Ow not again!" I yelled, as he hit my head with his.
"Don't worry about it newbie!" He said, giving me a huge smile. I gave up, and fell to the ground I was so done with school. I want to go home.

( thank you guys! so much for reading! If you have any suggestions? pls do comment. thanks for your time! 🙏💕)

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