Chapter 4

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"Thank you so much for the help around here l/n you should become a nurse aid for us." Said the school nurse Mrs. kota, I grabbed a box from the bottom shelf and set it on the table.

"What would you like me to do with this box?" I asked she looked at the box.
"I'm pretty sure this goes to the second gym? Why don't you take it for me?" She asked picking up the box and dropping it in my arms.

"Oh okay, I will be back then." I said leaving the room with the small but heavy box.
"Hello I have a box for the second gym!" I said sliding the door open with my foot. I stepped in the gym and was welcomed with a whole group of people looking at me.

"Oh are you the nurse aid?!" Asked a man jogging over to me. I nodded and he grabbed the box.
"Sorry for making you carry this. Are you new here?" He asked out of nowhere. I again nodded and he put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm the coach of the volleyball team. Why don't you become a manager for the team?!" He asked laughing loudly.

"Oh. I'm good I'm already a nurse aid." I said smiling awkwardly.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! It's you newbie!" Yelled an irritating voice.

"You two know each other?" Asked the coach. Bokuto wrapped his arm around my shoulders squeezing me to his sweaty smelly body.
"Yep! We good friends!" He said squeezing me closer.

"Let her go Bokuto! you're suffocating her." Said a black haired male. I girl suddenly kicked him in the side.

"Ow!!" He finally let go of me and I backed away from them.

"Sorry about him. He's not that bad when you get to know him." Said a girl with short pink hair.
"It's fine, I'm just not used to all the touching, or talking for that matter." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Just yell for me when you need help or if Bokuto bothers you!" She said I smiled at her and she introduced herself.

"I'm Yukie Shirofuku I'm a 3rd year. what about you?" She asked I smiled awkwardly and responded.

"I'm y/n l/n, and I'm a 3rd year as well." I said, and said my goodbyes to her.
"Huh where'd she go?" Asked the coach looking around.

"She left already. If you want to see her again get and injury." Said Yukie clapping her hands.
"Back to work y'all!" She said, and they went back to their business.

"I'm back." I said opening the door to the nurses office. I guess she left I'll put everything away.
"So loud." I said giggling thinking about earlier.
Finally it was time to head home. I closed up the nurse door and headed home.

"I'm home!" I said closing the door behind me.
"Meow." I heard Fuku meow for me as he walked to my feet.

"Hey buddy. Where's mom?" I asked him he meowed in response. I headed to her room and saw her sleeping soundly in bed.

"Finally she's sleeping." I said going to my room I took off my uniform and looked at my body.
"Hmm I feel gross." I said holding my stomach. I put my PJs on and went to bed.

"Fuku? Do you think they'll be my friends?" I asked my cat, but no response. I looked at the foot of the bed and saw him sleeping soundly.
I drifted off to sleep thinking about tomorrow.
"Aagu!" I yelled falling from my bed.

"Ow. What time is it?" I asked myself looking at my phone screen.

"Urggg. Time for school." I said getting off the floor getting ready for school.

"Shower? Check. Uniform? Check. Backpack? Check. Other things? Check." I said making sure I was prepared. I headed out the door and walked down the side walk to school.

"Y/n! Hey!!" I heard a yell and turned around to see Yukie.

"Hey. How'd you sleep?" I asked no knowing what to ask.

"I slept like a baby!" She said smiling.
"What about you?" She asked I thought about last night and how gross I felt.
"I slept good." I said smiling awkwardly.
"That's good! you should eat lunch with us!?" She asked walking beside me.

"Us?" I questioned.
"The volleyball team." She said, and I thought about it. Why not? Maybe I could be friends with them? But what if I don't talk enough?

"Sure." I said bluntly, so I could get it over with.
"Hello Mrs. Kota!" I said, entering the nurses office.

"Oh Y/n! Come on in could you help me real quick?" She said pointing at a boy sitting on the chair next to her desk.

"Yeah." I said grabbing the first aid kit.
"Oh it's you?" Said the boy, smiling at me.
"You're Yamato Sarukui right?" I asked getting a cloth wet.

"Yeah how did you know?" He asked rolling up his pant leg.

"I did my research on all the sports club members. Including the volleyball team." I said, cleaning the scrap on his knee.

"Why?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.
"Cause they're the ones that get hurt more frequently, and I have to keep track of who comes in the office you came here yesterday for a elbow scrape." I said proving my reasons.

He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. After a few minutes I finished and he went to class.

"You should really become a nurse Y/n." Said Mrs. Kota behind me on her computer.
"I don't know what I want to do but if that's what I'm best at then I guess." I said rolling up my sleeves.

I shrugged it off, and continued working. I put up some of the dry clothes in the cupboard on the bottom shelf. When the door opened slowly.

"Um Mrs. Kota I'm feeling really dizzy..." I girl that looked pale came in and was a bit wobbly.
"Can I lay down?" She asked. I went to her and helped her lay down I grabbed on of the dry clothes a put away and got it wet. I gently layer it on her forehead.

"Can you tell me what you're feeling?" I asked and Mrs. Kota went to call the girl's parents.
"I feel like I'm about to pass out and my head is throbbing..." She said the girl was trembling, so I got her a blanket.

"Thank you." She said and dozed off to sleep.
"She needs to rest I think she's hungry and exhausted." I said writing down my report.

"Thank you so much Y/n. You help her. She's been here before and is really stressed out and is failing a few classes." She said gelling the girls face.

"I could tutor her if it helps." I said Mrs. Kota looked at me surprised.

"It's fine I don't want you to be stressed as well." She said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't mind, but I have to head home my mom is making me do dinner tonight. Bye Mrs. Kota." I said leaving her with the student.

"That girl is to kind." Said Mrs. Kota watching the door close and hearing Y/n walking down the hall.

(Hello people thanks for reading sorry for the slow updates I suck at keeping up with things I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!)

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