the Knight of my life

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"Teyla you almost ready to go!" My grandma yells as I look in the mirror at myself in my prom dress.

"Yeah" I said walking out of my room. I look to see my grandparents in shock. "What?" I said

"Awww look at my grand baby" my grandma said looking at me.

"Don't cry don't cry" my grandpa said holding back tears.

"Come one let's get pictures" grandma said dragging me outside.

"Come on grandpa" I say dragging him outside as well.

"Excuse me can you take our picture?" My grandma asked a stranger. They stop and take pictures of us, I look at the time and see the dance started like 10 minutes ago.

"I gotta go!! Love you both" I said running in my heels to the dance.

"Wait!!!" My grandma yelled making everyone on the street stop. "We'll give you a ride" she said walking over to the car.

"What is taking that girl so long" Abby said waiting at the table while everyone is dancing.

"Idk but someone else is waiting for her" Erika said looking at Chad who keeps shooting a look at door.

"Hey Erika, and Abby have you-" Chad was cut off

"Seen Teyla? No. Homegirl always gotta run late but passes her class with all A's" Abby said

"A+" Erika told her. "Hey speak of the devil"

I walk into the building and has soon as I enter everyone looks at me which honestly WHY ARE THEY LOOKING AT ME!! ow that voice was loud.

"Teyla?" I turn around to see Chad, looking honestly hella cute. Like damn I didn't think guys looked so good in suits, and that ass.

"What's up Chad" I tell him with a smile.

"You look uh gorgeous- pretty! I mean pretty" he said laughing nervously. "You look gorgeous" he found his words.

"You look handsome" I said trying to sound like the nice sophisticated lady I am. "Wanna dance?" I ask him before he can ask me.

"Would you?" He asked holding out his arm. Which I take. We walk to floor as if we're prom king and queen. I'm glad it was a slow song.

"Go girl" I hear Abby and Erika say. I put my hands around his neck and his hands wrap around my waist.

"So I've been meaning to ask you" Chad said

"Oh? What's up Chad?" I ask him as we dance.

"Would you maybe wanna go on a date with me?" He asked. no.....way.....!!!!!! HE ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE!! "Ugh hello Teyla?" He asked

"Oh I would love to sometime" I said happily which made him happy too.

"So I was thinking we could go to a restaurant, down town?" He asked.

"Sounds fun..... Chad" I was about to say something.

"Teyla, I've always wanted to take you on a date but I never knew how I should. You just seem out of my league" he said

"Are you dumb?" I ask him

"What?" He said with a blank expression.

"Chad I always thought you were out of my league. I mean you're the most popular guy in the schools, good grades, respects women and others, you don't judge. There's so many pretty girls in the school I thought you'd go for honestly." I tell him. Wow this really does seem like a cheesy romance movie. Don't judge me I'm in my feelings right now.

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