Cliché Twenty: I Can Kinda Sing, But It's a Secret

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Why does every single character know how to perfectly sing? Like, these people are out here doing a fucking ballad in the middle of an opera hall and then they're all, "I know, I'm so bad."

Hun, you're bad because you're seeking attention, not because you have a secret hobby of performing an entire Broadway musical for your stuffed animals at 1am.

I will admit, for the longest time, I was a total attention seeker. Years ago I was for some reason enamored with this boy, and I did everything in my power to get him to notice me. It was a private school and we had uniforms, so every day we could forgo the uniforms are wear other clothes, I'd wear what I thought was my most perfect outfit. We were on the same school bus, so I'd sit across from him and (terribly) flirt with him. But my showstopper was when I'd show him something I was drawing and I knew it was good, but I'd deny it and be like, "Ughhh, stop looking at it, it's so terrible." I'd do that until he forced me to say it was good. By the way, this dude is a total jackass now, so bullet dodged.

Moving on, I get it. Definitely not a flattering trait, so avoid it regardless, just...why is it always with singing? I swear, every main character can sing perfectly. If they have a reason, that's different, but if they've never done any lessons, practiced, or even watched a YouTube tutorial, it's extremely unrealistic and authors need to recognize it.

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