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Y/n was now in a car with his parents. A 2015 Rolls Royce to be exact. His mother was driving and his father was in the passenger seat. His parents tried to spark conversation with him but Y/n was more focused on his spiders.

Itsy and Bitsy were like Y/n in the sense that they were dying. They were 24 years old at this point in their lives. They already exceeded the average spider lifespan by 4 years. They were soon to die right next to Y/n, who had taken care of them since he was six years old.

The only difference was the way they were dying. They were dying of old age. Y/n was dying of a new form of cancer never seen before. This difference didn't change how they perceived each other. They all knew that they were dying soon. It's what helped bond them.

"Hey, Y/n. We got you a comic book. After your favorite superhero." His mother said this while his father inched his hand toward the glove box of the car. He opened it and pulled out a bag. He handed it to Y/n. He inspected the bag and checked it. It was still in wrapping, It hadn't been touched by anyone, and he was free to read it. There was only one thing wrong.

"This is Batman," Y/n said with his eyes slightly twitching. He felt rage with each breath he took. Even his mother looked at his "father" with annoyance. "Yeah. Your favorite hero." His "father" responded. "That's Spider-Man. Batman is almost the exact opposite of Spider-Man." Y/n would've been happy if it was a Spider-Man comic. But the fact they didn't even get it from the right franchise made him angrier than if it was a different hero from Marvel.

Only thoughts of annoyance and anger ebbed and flowed through his body. His "father" took notice. "Y/n, They're the same thing. Get over it." His statement managed to put Y/n in a worse mood. His mother punched his "father's" shoulder for what he said. The car stayed silent throughout the whole drive after that. The spiders on Y/n tried to comfort him but even that didn't make him feel better.

"Y/n. We're here." His mother stopped the car. When it stopped, he felt the propulsion forward from the stop. As a result, his spiders shot from his shoulder. At that time, waves of fear washed over his body. Two lives would end because of his mother's insolence. In a swift movement, as if his body moved on its own accord, he caught them from splattering on his "father's" car seat.

"The hell was she thinking?!" He thought. It was as if the goal was to aggravate him and end the only two lives he cared about. In response, he immediately put Itsy and Bitsy in his jacket pocket. Once he secured their safety, he opened the car door and stepped out. This occurred in such a timeframe it seemed like Y/n wanted this to be over with. He did, yet this wasn't the result of that. Rather the result of the repeated assassinations attempts on his spiders.

Y/n slammed the car door shut as his "father" was trying to reprimand him for such behavior. "Bastard." Y/n thought. "He thinks he can be my father? Does he think HE knows me? The rat!" Y/n thought of his bumbling oaf of a father. What would he do to him for slamming the car door? Reprimand him? He was already at death's side.

Y/n tried to dismiss his thoughts of that thing that resides next to his mother. To do so, he took in what was in front of him. A raging wind swaying his jacket, The chattering of men in lab coats, all followed by the sight of a large building. The words "ALCHEMEX" are plastered over it. "We made it Itsy and Bitsy. We were just a little too late." Y/n tried to laugh at his spiders. Try to make them happier. At the same time, he knew they would see right through it.

As he looked at the building, he heard a car door open and close. The sound of a car speeding away followed it. Footsteps inched closer and closer to him. "If it's that damned fool-" a hand grabbed his shoulder. He turned to see it was his "father". "Let go of my hand Charles." Y/n told his "father", now finally known as Charles. "Boy, You will treat me and your mother with respect!" Charles reprimanded him.

Y/n moved his arm away from Charles and looked at him in utter disgust. His build was that of a pig yet his grip was so easy to break away from. His hair was pleading for life. To top it all off was his mentality. It was that of a sneaky rat trying to worm its way into an apple. In this sense, Y/n's family. Trying to take in his true father's place in it. "Why would I ever respect you, you bulbous blob of flesh and bone? When have you given me a reason to respect YOU?" That is what Y/n thought. He deeply considered it.

"It won't happen again." Y/n felt his muscles tensing at the thought of punching Charles as he said that. "This motherfucker! He doesn't know a thing about me! He doesn't care about me! All he cares about is my mother!" Charles grabbed his hand forcefully and walked forwards into the building. "Pick up the pace Y/n!" Charles grunted. "Where is my mom?" Y/n asked.

"Your mother needed to do an errand. So we're gonna go through this tour together" Charles answered angrily. Y/n could see the constant anger flowing through him. Even at the hospital, he could see it. He knew Charles hated Y/n as much as he did for him. "Not only do I get a DC comic about Batman, but I have to go on the tour with this prick?!"  Y/n saw this day as horrible in an already crooked world where lives could be stolen with he's. As his own true father did and how he and his spiders would come to be. How could life get worse?


Note: Are you guy's interested in a two parter (Will most likely be faster) or a twice as long chapter? (Possibly will be longer to publish)

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