The Contract

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"Sophia!" I heard Liam's voice outside my small apartment and the door being kicked open seconds after, he was right in front of me, fuming.

"Li-" I couldn't even get a word out.

"What is this?!" He asked, bringing his phone out to show me something.

"Uhm... your phone is off..."

He hurriedly switched it on and showed me the picture of me on the bed with the boss' hand around me.

"Have you been cheating on me?!"

"No! It's a misunderstanding, I-"

"Is that why you didn't want my help? You felt guilty because you've been cheating on me?! How could you?!!" He screamed and I reached out to put my hand on his chest and calm him down but he pushed my hand off and burst into tears.

"Liam, it isn't what it looks like."

"Then what is it Soph?! I love you, you're the first girl I've ever loved so much, I fought with my dad for you! And you go on to cheat on me?! Why? Is he better than me? Is it because he's richer?! Wealthier?! Tell me! Why did you cheat on me!?"

"Liam, calm down and let me explain." He started taking deep breaths and bit his lip to prevent himself from screaming as tears still poured down.

"I didn't cheat on you... willingly."

"So you cheated on me, and you're admitting it?" He asked.

"Liam, I didn't want to, he dragged me into the room and practically raped me!"

"Oh now you're saying he raped you, you probably just wanted to leech on him!"

"What?" He scoffed.

"I never took you as that type of person Sophia, I thought you were different..." he turned to walk away and I still had my eyes wide. Did he just call me a whore?

"Yes, leave!" He turned to me with furrowed brows, "if you truly love me, you would believe me. Leave my house!"

He turned away and left. Once he was gone I burst into tears. Had he really not believed me? I loved him, yet he just left! If the characters were swapped then I would believe him, but he insulted me when I told him the truth.

I was still in the middle of crying when my phone rang. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now so I didn't pick up but when the ringing became persistent, I picked it up without even taking a glance at the ID.


"Now that isn't any way to pick up a call, is it?" I heard an unknown voice from the other line and I cleared my throat and wiped my tears.

"Who's this?"

"This is Noah Parker, I'm the assistant to Justin Smith, he wants to have a meeting with you tomorrow, 8am at the hotel's penthouse."


"The reason would be stated during the meeting."

"I don't want to talk to him." He chuckled over the line.

"Now this isn't an offer you would want to reject, it's either you have a meeting with him willingly or we take you with or without your permission. You're free to choose, 8am, don't be late, if you aren't there within an hour after the specified time then we would have to come get you."

The call was cut off and I dropped the phone angrily.

"These rich people! They always think they can control others to do whatever they want! I hate everyone!" I screamed, "ugh!!!!"

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