Slaughter (J x WD!Reader)

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J goes by She/It
V goes by She/Her
N goes by He/They

J gives you mercy and helps you

(Your PoV)
ʚ‎‏ ͜ ̩͙ ︵ ̩͙ ୨ ♡ ୧ ̩͙ ‏︵ ̩͙ ͜ ɞ

You woke up as the clock started to beep, your visor lighting up as you stretched you arm. You worked for the WDF and had to fix the first door since the hydraulics seemed to be malfunctioning, which was a big concern for most of the colony. Slowly putting on your clothes you look at the time on your screen. 20 minutes until you are due to be there. Quickly putting on your hat, brushing your hair to the side under it. Walking quickly out of your house you start to walk to the doors, there you see at maximum one fourth of your entire team. Didn't seem like a lot... one of your co workers walked over and handed you a shot gun. „They said to give everyone a shot gun, not like it's gonna do anything against those monsters" the co worker said as they walked back to the group of workers, you following. „____ and (Y/n) are working on the wiring on the sides and keypads" a worker wit ha clipboard said, handing you a box of tools with no emotion. „Alright" you said as you followed the other worker through the three doors and to the outside. The cold air hit you immediately, making your visor glitch with the sudden change of temperature. „I'll work on the left, you can work on the right" the worker said, walking to the right of the door. You watched the other worker open the keypad, you doing the same tiredly. The keypad was covered in a weird neon yellow goo, not wanting to touch it you used a wrench to open it. The wiring was Very messed up, most of it being completely melted and others being pulled apart. Sighing you slowly started to remove the melted wiring, pulling away the green wire the lighting that lit the keypad turned off. Suddenly something slammed into the snow not to far from you. „N, STOP BEING USELESS AND GET THAT ONE" You turned around quickly and saw three disassembly drones with X's on their visors. Ducking under the nearest tree you abandoned everything, the toolbox, the key card, anything you had in your hand you had dropped. The one named N attacked your co worker, stabbing them from behind and ripping out the claws that where in the place his hands would be. You watched in utter fear, you visor was glitching from so much needing to be processed. You heard your breath as you saw the other two disassembly drones go into the doors, attaching the rest of the WDF. The alarms blared in the air, the flashing red lights filled you with fear. Holding your breath you didn't even make a noise. The other drone flew inside and the sound of slaughter filled your head. „GODDAMIT" you heard, the end being the slam of the hydraulic door. „Well atleast we got these idiots" another voice said. „Shut up N" The voice snapped back. „Let's go, grab whatever you want" The voice continued as they flew out. This one wore a small jacket, and had medium length hair. Another followed, he had a long trench coat and a pilot cap; this was the one they called N. The third one exited, she had her hair in two ponytails, and wore a suit. She looked like the leader of the three, having a medal on her suit. You felt the leader turn its head at you, making you move back further under the tree and deeper into the shadows. It's eyes seemed to burn into your soul, but it looked back at the other two. „You two can go back with the bodies, I'll stay camp to see if there is any stragglers." The leader one said, her claws going in and a normal hand replacing the spot. „Alrghty J!" N said, picking up your coworkers mangled body. They collected as many parts as they could before the other two flew off, every movement they made filled you with fear. The leader looked around and started searching, only now did you feel the sudden pain stinging at your arm. The Yellow goo had landed on your arm, slowly burning through your metal skin. Quietly hissing you looked at the wound, hurting worse the more you noticed it. The leader that was called J soon kicked a corpse, clearly mad. „Stupid doors, stupid worker drones" she hissed under its breath. You held you breath as she walked closer and closer to the tree you where hiding under. „I know you are under there, get out" it said, looking under the tree. Right when she moved the branches up you kicked her right in the middle of her visor, making her stumble back. „FUCK" It hissed, putting her arms up to her visor. Looking at its visor you could see something was loading, you probably triggered a program, giving you time to run. Getting from up under the tree, it quickly reached for you. As her hand brushed along your metal arm a spark glistened in the snow, what was that. You thought as you ran. The pain you arm continued as you tried sprinting to the first door, which was still open. Suddenly she grabbed your arm, pulling it back. The door shut as she pulled you back, the WDF abandoned you. Her cold metal hands gripped around your arm, the snow under both of you shuffling and crunching under the struggling. As she pulled you back you tried pushing her off, kicking it's legs and stepping on its tail. „STOP IM TRYING TO HELP YOU, IDIOT" it hissed, finally removing her hand from its visor, the X glitched a bit before becoming two yellow eyes, the ones all worker drones had. „What-?" you looked back at her, still struggling but not as much. „Your arm- here, just don't make this weird" it's eyes looked right into yours, burning into your soul. Holding up your arm she spit on the wound, the wound stopped spreading and slowly healed. It left a slight discoloration but it didn't hurt anymore, just a small sting as it healed. It looked down at your arm as if she was inspecting it. „That should be good" J said quietly, her eyes looking around the wound. The cold hit your quickly healed wound, making you wince in pain. „What- how- most important why?" you said quickly, pulling your arm back and taking a few steps back in fear. „I just felt like I needed to help you... just shut up about it" J snapped back quickly, also taking a step back. „Now go, I helped you, go back to your stupid colony" J hissed, stepping a few steps back before opening up its wings. „Wait wait! Thank you!!!" you yelled back as she flew up, waving a goodbye at her quickly. She didn't say nothing back and darted away, soon out of distance you could see her anymore. You walked back to the door quietly, knocking on it quietly. The door opened and you would greeted to some medics and some WDF workers. They all looked shocked, you where the only survivor and made it out with no injuries. You where asked a lot of questions but you just walked home, ignoring most and shutting the door. The only thing that filled your mind was J, the disassembly drone let you live. Never has that happend before, never.

(J's Pov)
ʚ‎‏ ͜ ̩͙ ︵ ̩͙ ୨ ♡ ୧ ̩͙ ‏︵ ̩͙ ͜ ɞ

How could it forgive a stupid worker drone, and why couldn't she attack them. The worker drone was in her grasp, yet she gave it mercy. But the moment she noticed the worker drone she felt her systems cool, as if she had seen someone who could solve all her problems, or help her. She just couldn't hurt them. And she had them in her hands, she could have killed them right there and right then, yet she just couldn't. Pacing around it's room J looked around, whenever she thought about the worker drone she felt herself heat up, both flustered and embarrassed. Was she really unloved with a mere worker drone? Punching the metal wall she yelped, watching the scratches on her fist disappear immediately. „J you good-?" N said, he looked through the hatch in the floor. „Leave me alone before I mount your head in a spike" She hissed, throwing a piece of scrap metal at the annoying drone. As he disappeared J fell back into her bed, curling into its blanket.

She hated feeling in love

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