Reboot 100% (V x WD!Reader)

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V goes by she/her
Y/n goes by they/them

I had no idea what to go off from but this is just a plain WDxV fanfic I made. I was given no plot so I just made this along the way. Actually no plot at all.

V chases you down, you kiss her, she is shocked, you hide, V finds you, you shut down in fear, s he kisses you again, confusion

Your POV

You ran down the halls, fear flooding you system. The alarms blared loudly. The disassembly drones had found a way inside the colony and sent everyone into a panic. The world was quiet to you, the only thing you felt was fear in the moment. As you quickend Your pace you heard a sound of metal from above you, something was in the ventilation system right above you. Your ran quicker, you have never ran so quickly in your life. The red lights bombarded your eyesight. You didn't know where you were running you just ran. Suddenly a crash landed behind you, the vents had dropped and a disassembly drone fell through the hatch. „YOU CANT RUN FOREVER" it laughed maniacly, the disassembly drone ran quicker behind you, grabbing onto you and tackling you. You landed on your back, twisting as you fell the disassembly drone pinned you onto the ground. You needed to escape, you had to make something up in the Moment so you could live. The X was bright on the screen of the slender disassembly drone, you looked at her mouth which was slightly open to a grin, showing off her sharp teeth. Suddenly you quickly just acted. Grabbing onto the disassembly drones head you pulled her to you and kissed her lip to lip. She pulled back and moved backwards, letting go of you and covering her mouth. „WHAT?!? DID- HUH- DID YOU- WHAT?!?!?" she said loudly, moving back a few steps. The X on her screen flashed into two regular yellow eyes in an instant, but there was blush very clear on her visor. Pushing yourself up you too ja run for it, as the disassembly drone stood there in shock, as if she was just flash banged. You quickly took a turn and ran down the halls and took out your keys, opening the door to your house. You ran in and closed the door, running into a closet. You couldn't believe you had just done that, you kissed a disassembly drone to escape. It was an experience to say the least. You finally got ahold of your breath, breathing more steadily now. Feeling your visor heat up you held your hands to your head. Hearing steps from outside of the closet you realized that the disassembly drone was still out there, making you catch your breath once again. Peaking through your closet door you saw that the door to your room was still open. A familiar someone had shown up, walking into the room. She no longer had an X on her screen but was a little less flustered then she was before. Looking around the room the disassembly drone swayed her tail, putting her wings back. Suddenly she looked over at the closet and ripped open the doors, fear had never gone so quickly through your system. Suddenly the amount of fear toppled and you blacked out, your visor going blank. Guess this is the end (Of course it's not the end you are the main character).

V's pov:

I looked down at the Worker drones shut down body, looking at their screen I could tell that they were rebooting. Reboot in process 4%, a few seconds later 5%. This weird drone had shocked me, what they did in no lie did stop me from killing them in that moment. I sat down infront of the rebooting worker drone, staring at their visor. I retracted my claws, put my hands around the worker drones head. I wanted to kill them, but I just couldn't. Why? Why couldn't I just kill them? Right here right now I can kill them, but I just can't, I won't.  I held my hands around their head, titling my head to observe the worker drone. Interest in the sentient toaster filled my brain. Reboot 67%, Reboot 68%, Reboot 69%, Reboot 70%. It was so strange watching how slowly the worker drone would reboot, it took barely a minute for a disassembly drone, as myself, to reboot. Reboot 85%, Reboot 86%. The counter kept going up. I felt the need to stay, and I just couldn't bring myself to kill it. Reboot 94%, Reboot 95%, Reboot 96%, Reboot 97%. The counter went up higher, and I watched the visor of the defective thing with interest. Reboot 98%, Reboot 99%. I moved closer to the rebooting worker drone, my tail swaying behind me. I kissed the drone right in the middle of the visor, right in the moment it turned Reboot 100%. It's eyes blinked open and stared right at me. „HOLY SHIT-!" They yelled, pushing me away. „Fuck- Fuck, I'm sorry about that" I said quickly, letting go of their head and putting my arms up to my visor, trying to hide the blush that forcefully made its way to my visor. Standing up I opened my wings and darted into the vents, not saying a word. Leaving the worker drone alone and confused. Very very confused.

That sure was a situation.

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