Tastey oil (Doll x MD!Reader) p1

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Part two will have the smut part because this is just the meeting part
Doll goes by She/They
Y/N goes by He/Him but doll calls you a it/its.

Another no plot hell hole fic. Also this takes place after episode 3, she lived and left the colony. Also new writing style (crazy). Adding more povs.

3rd pov:
Doll was Walking through the woods, the snow blurring her vision. Her cracked visor glitching as she looked around the woods. Her systems where glitching, both the cold and the crack on her visor where messing the wiring. Stumbling over the snow they caught themselves with the solver power. Getting back up, regaining her balance, she looked around into the trees. The thought she was being watched kept going through her mind, yet the only thing on her mind was finding some place to hide. Y/n had found her while flying near the woods, clawing onto a tree he was now watching her. Stalking her like a predator with its prey.

Y/n pov:
I used claws to grab onto the tree, trying to not make much noise. I watched the worker drone walk through the snow. It was weird to see a worker drone so far from the colony, while also having the absolute solver symbol on their screen. Not to mention how they where using some sort of magic, making it seem whatever or whoever that was most likely was not a worker drone. Not a normal one at least.
My eyes darted as she turned through the woods, I followed her. Was it stalking? Yes, but if I was gonna kill her then I might as well watch her for a bit. Just a bit. What harm could it do? I watched her as she walked through the woods and snow, inspecting her every move.
As I crawled onto another branch that seems sturdy I heard a snap, and before I could even blink I was crashing onto the snow. Turning around the worker drones visor had displayed one absolute solver symbol and one regular eye, the absolute solver symbol also being near her hand. Suddenly three more branches came crashing down onto me, one hitting me on the head and making a program turn in my screen; blocking most of my vision.
The worker drone started sprinting away, the symbol disappearing from her hand. Getting up I pushed the branches away and hit my head trying to close the program, but to no avail it stayed their loading. Giving up on the program I started running after the worker drone. Whoever this worker drone was, they were not like the others. The worker drone ran quickly, using the magic it had to crash down branches or throw snow at me. Yet it didn't do much then make me stumble or have to shake off the snow. Getting closer and closer to them I tackled her, grabbing her and pushing us both into the cold snow. As we both crashed into the snow I breathed heavily, the X on my visor glitching a bit. Out of now we're a tree root burst from the ground, stabbing the side of my chest. I froze in fear, luckily it didn't stab through my core or else I would be dead. The root went back into the ground and before I could even gain my consciousness back the worker drone had escaped my grasp and was running quickly down. The X in my screen disappeared, it was clear that I couldn't kill this worker drone. „WAIT" I yelled, regaining my balance but gripping the open wound. It was slowly healing back but not quick enough. But the worker drone didn't look back. My tail swaying behind me I tried to stand up straight but I twitched due to the pain from the slowly healing wound. Collapsing onto the snow after trying to walk forward I just laid there for a bit, turning over and looking up as the oil from the barely healed wound leaked onto the snow. Maybe after a reboot it would heal, so I turned on the reboot program and my screen went black and I went into sleep mode. The worker drone wasn't worth it.

Doll pov:
I looked back at the collapsed disassembly drone. Was it dead? No it couldn't be, they would just regrow theirs limbs right back. I stopped running and turned around. Maybe I could look at it, it didn't seem to be moving. Walking back slowly i picked up a stick with my absolute solver power and put it infront of me like a weapon. Slowly edging closer and closer I looked down at the disassembly drone. It's screen read: REBOOT IN PROGRESS, DO NOT SHUT OFF. Poking the visor with a stick I looked closer. The closest I have been to a disassembly drone was with V or that N. But now I was barely inches away from a disassembly drone. I looked over at the body and realized where I had stabbed the disassembly drone the wound was barely healing. The torso seemed to be the most vulnerable part of a disassembly drone. That was good to know. It also seemed that the disassembly drone ran with the same oil worker drones ran on. Poking my finger into the wound I pulled it out and looked at the oil. Popping the finger in my mouth I could tell it was the same oil. Just not processed the same way. I definitely prefer worker drone oil then. But I was desperate, any kind of oil would be good in the moment. Sticking my hand into the wound I pulled out my finger and saw how they where covered in oil. Licking the oil off my finger I looked down. It was so weird, usually the disassembly drones would be eating the worker drones but right now right here the roles where swapped. Suddenly their screen lit up, sitting up slightly. „ВЛУАТ-" i yelped, scrambling away as it grabbed its head. suddenly it looked at me, then my hand, and then right back at my visor. „WHERE YOU EATING ME?!?!?" It yelled, clearly shocked. Well what disassembly drone wouldn't be shocked if a worker drone was dating them. „Нееет- Да" I said, looking at it. Lying first but then saying the truth. „What- Huh-? That dosent make any sense... Why are you even eating oil?!?!" It said, scrambling onto its feet. The wound had now healed completely. „почему ты спрашиваешь?" I asked, tilting my head as I also stood up. „BECAUSE YOUR EATING ME!!??!? IT SHOULD THE OTHER WAY AROUND" It said, a voice mixed with fear and anger. Yet the anger was barely heard, it was as if his anger had tripped over fear and then tumbled down into confusion. „у тебя есть масло?" I asked, completely ignoring the original conversation. „What- stay on the topic!" it hissed eighth back at me. „Я очень проголодался, у тебя вообще есть масло?" I stared at the disassembly drone. „Don't worker drones not eat oil? This so confusing, are you even a worker drone?" It rambled, now being completely fearful. „Да я рабочий дрон" I nodded, answering a question for once. It stared at me with fear in its eyes. „ugh- fine I'll take you to the corpse spire. Just because I cant tell if your lying or your actually a worker drone, and I'm not taking my chances killing something that could kill me way quicker" it mumbled, starting to walk down the woods. I followed it, still holding the stick with my powers. If that thing even tried to hurt me it'll have a stick shoved down it's throat in less then a millisecond. I slowly followed it through the woods, until we reached a clearing with some city like buildings. I noticed a large corpse spire of dead worker drone corpses. The thing kept a distance from me, good to know that it was more scared of me then I was of it. Kind of like a snake, looks dangerous and can be dangerous, but is terrified of many things. Walking into the corpse spire i picked up a dismembered arm, one that had some oil leaking from it. Pouring the cold oils into my mouth i wanted to spit it out, but oil was oil and there was no arguing with that. Cold oil was disgusting but any oil was better then no oil. I looked over at the disassembly drone, it had fear in its stupid eyes. „перестань так думать, как будто ты не делаешь этого каждый раз" (stop acting like you don't do this every day) I snapped at it, wiping the excess oil from my mouth. „Well it's weird to see a worker drone drink oil that was from a worker drone." it replied back, with a bit of humor in its voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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