chapter 1

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I walked down the long dark corridor finally stopping at the last door on the right. It was tall, and had burgundy wood, that was chipping slightly around the silver coated door knob.

Just as I extended my long pale arm, ready to knock, it swung open and my body collided with another.

I hit the ground hard looking up to see a tall silhouette, before I could speak my father emerged from behind the man, smiling down at me.

"Ah, Ngoc Lien, joelle, perfect timing." He held out his hand for me to take, helping me stand back to my feet.

"As you know, because of the incident that happened last week, it is no longer safe for you here." He spoke, folding his hands together and looking at me with a plain, cold stare.

"How is it not safe for me? I have nothing to do with anythi-" the man who bumped into me cleared his throat.

I turned around looking at him, finally getting a good look at his face. He held an emotionless stare. His hair was slicked back, and his dark brown, almost black eyes pierced into mine. "I will be taking you to Ecuador, you're safer over there."

I couldn't believe the words I had just heard. That's well over 4,000 miles.

"Dad, I don't think this is necessary, I'm not the most wanted person in the world that's you. If anything you should be going to-" I clamped my hands over my mouth, regretting my choice of words.

He stared at me. With stone cold eyes.
"I think you should leave my office. I will be sending someone in to talk to you later." Was all he said.

"Dad I didn't mean t-" he slammed both hands down on the marble desk in front of him causing me to jump back slightly. "I said leave. Now." He said in a quiet tone that sent chills down my back.

I nodded my head, quickly walking out of his office and going to my room where I sat for over 40 minutes waiting for this man.

My door opened up, and the man from earlier came in. "You're not going to knock? That's kind of rude. Do you always just walk in to people's rooms without knocking?" I asked giving him a weird stare.

"I don't have to knock. Rule number one. Don't ask questions about anything. This is none of your business. I am on a very dangerous mission to get you to a whole different country. Your life is in my hands, and I would rather you not ask hundreds of questions." He had an accent, and his face gave away that he was not American, or at least not born in America for that matter.

"Also, we're not friends so don't think you can just talk to me whenever. You speak when I tell you to speak, if I ask you a question you answer it immediately. Do I make myself clear?" He said in a monotone voice.

I didn't say anything, instead I just looked at him. He's actually pretty hot, I thought to myself.

"Answer me." He demeaned, an annoyed look taking over his features.

"Oh, um yes. You're as clear as a.. Hm what's clear? You're as clear as glass that's just been cleaned with windex." I said putting my hand on my head in a saluting position. A goofy grin spread across my face, but his was the opposite.

He just looked at me. "As I said before, we're not friends so don't think you can make jokes around me either. We're leaving tomorrow, pack a small bag. Don't bring any cell phone or electronics."

"okay," I said looking up at him. "So what's your name?" I asked. It's probably something dumb like Kevin, I chuckled to myself.

"My name is Byun Baekyhun, and you've already broken rule number one. I said no asking question about me, or about anything." And with that he left my room.



butttt if you did like chapter one please vote and comment. I'm really excited to write this story! This fanfiction is dedicated to my wonderful cousin joelle. Love you girl!
- daijah

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