chapter 3

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Gunshots. Many gunshots were heard. At first I thought I was dreaming until I felt my body being lifted up from the bed. Baekyhun placed me down, pulling a gun from his bag.

"We have to go immediately. I have no idea how they found us here." He said, he threw my only bag at me, dragging us out of the motel room.

"Stay very close to me. Take this." He handed me a gun, and I almost dropped it from shock. "Only use it if you have to." He finished.

We ran down the halls, coming to an end. "We need to take the stairs, it's safer."

So the stairs we took, luckily the motel was only two stories. "Get behind me!" Baekyhun yelled, I followed his orders immediately. A man dressed in all black fired a bullet, missing baekyhun by centimeters. Baekyhun shot the gun twice hitting the man in his chest.

I watched as he fell to the ground, covered in blood. I began crying into my hands.

"Come on joelle, this is no time for tears. This is your life we're talking about. We have to go." He yelled at me, making me cry even more. "For gods sake." He groaned, picking me up, and throwing me over his shoulder.

He ran as quickly as he could, carrying the weight of his backpack plus me. Once we got outside he put me down, grabbing my hand forcing me to run to the car.

I got in, my whole body shaking. He got in the drivers seat immediately driving off. Everything was quiet, except for the loud, deep sobs escaping my lips.

I looked at Baekyhun and his face held no emotion. "How can you just drive as if nothing happened. We almost died." I cried, shaking my head. Everything was silent for minutes until he spoke.

"When I tell you to run, you run. You don't stand there crying like the little brat you are. I'm risking my life to keep you safe. The least you can do is use your fucking legs." He yelled, slamming his hands down on the steering wheel.

I just stared at him, not knowing what to say. Should I say sorry? I asked myself. No, he's already mad enough.

Driving was all we did for hours. I looked over at Baekyhun. His face was blank. He stared at the road ahead of him as if he had no soul. I noticed something peaking out from the collar of his shirt. It looked like a very familiar tattoo.

"What's that? It kind of looks like a tattoo." I stated, pointing to it.

"What did I say about asking questions? You're so fucking stupid just shut your pretty little mouth up. It'll make this whole trip a lot easier." He said through gritted teeth.

"You're very rude. Now I see why my dad likes you so much." He called me pretty.

"Well, if you could just shut the hell up for two seconds I wouldn't have to yell all the time." He called me pretty.

My mind kept going back to what he had just said. Pretty. Why do I even care, he's only doing this behalf of my fathers orders.

"You remind me of my father a lot." I said, looking out of the window beside me. He was quiet for a moment before speaking. "How so?"

"When I was younger, he acted like you a lot. Always so cold hearted and hostile. He barely spoke to me, and when he did he was yelling." I might have just insulted Bakeyhun but it was the truth.

"You think I'm cold hearted and hostile," He said with a chuckle. "You don't even know me."

"What's your favorite color?" I asked abruptly. He looked at me for a moment giving me a confused look. "What the hell kind of question is that?"

"You said I didn't know you. So I'm asking you, what's your favorite color?" I replied. "I said no asking questions. That's rule number one which you've broken many times already."

I huffed, crossing my arms. "Living your life not letting anyone know anything about you is not the way to live." I mumbled. "It's fun to open up to people, telling them about yourself, your past, your present."

"Trust me, you don't want to know about my past." He said quietly, looking straight ahead. "Wanna know about mine?" I asked. He stayed silent, so I began talking.

"I never seen my mother that much. My dad always sent her different places so she could basically do his dirty work. She would be gone for months at a time. Now that I'm older and thinking about it, he never truly loved her. He only needed her so he felt like her had someone, I guess. The night she came back, she had been gone for 3 months, was the night she died. It was a week ago, so I'm sure you've heard about it. I watched her die. Right in front of me. I'm not allowed to cry about it. My dad told me if he seen my crying over my mothers death then I would be next. I would be the next one dead. Sometimes I think about running away, but I know it wouldn't do any help. No matter where I am i'll always be alone. Whether it be physically or emotionally." I ended in a whisper.

I looked at him, waiting for him to say something.

"Black." He said, keeping his eyes on the road in front of us.

"Um, I don't know what you mean?"

"Black. That's my favorite color."


Okay so this chapter was v long. Almost 1,000 words. I actually liked writing this chapter. Next chapter you will be introduced to a new (important) character.
- daijah

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2015 ⏰

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