Chapter 3 - Pulling The Strings

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Clementine took another sip of her drink. Her height allowed her good vantage over the sea of party participants. Her original roommate group had long split up. Dawn had flitted away like the bright social butterfly she seemed to be, easily finding others to talk to. Patience on the other hand had slunk away from the bulk of the crowd. They were content to watch from the sidelines. Clementine gave them a small wave with their free hand when she spotted Patience by a pillar.

Meeting the specialists had been interesting, as much as it could have been. The one known as Teddy had seemed jovial enough, for the few short moments he had stuck around. Yorke, her brother's roommate had barely said two words at all. And the one named Vale seemed very interesting, especially being from Destune. He was well dressed too, she would have to get to know him better for sure.

Cyprus, her twin brother, had stuck around to entertain her for a while. But he too had ditched her, leaving her to drink her punch alone and scope out the crowd.

All her friends were interesting. Two of her roommates hailed from royalty, if her parents were here they would be all over her to network Dawn and Patience to death. She was sure some of the specialists fell under that category as well.

It was Alma who she took pause. The last roommate to arrive at their dorm, missing all of the orientation, already made her curious. And even though she insisted on wearing clothes two sizes too big for her, no one could miss the strength contained in her defined muscles. Then Alma had dropped the biggest bombshell of all at their feet like it was nothing, she was from Destune.

Not many who didn't put some effort into realm geography knew about the planet of Destune. Who could blame them, the planet had shut its doors ages ago. Nothing went in, and nothing came out. The most private of all the realms next to nothing was known of Destune, its people, or culture.

And here laying at her feet were not one, but two Destunians -- and the heir no less. Clementine had less interest in Vale. Despite being from a secretive planet, the guy seemed to be an open book. It was the sullen Alma she wanted to peel back layer by layer, it was her who had set Clementine's curiosity on fire. She was going to find out what was up with that girl.

It wasn't hard to track her down in the crowd, she hadn't moved from before. Standing off to the side, chatting only with Vale. She had a feeling that was a predictable mood for the recently revealed warrior.

"What's up" Drawled a voice to the side. Clementine started, shaking her half-empty drink. She turned to face the interruption. Standing before her was someone with a long, sage green loose braid and a half-shaved head. Half-lidded warm brown eyes peered up at her. They held a strong sense of calm and just a blink of mischief. They wore a cropped suit in a state of disarray. The tie hanging undone around their neck, the first few buttons of their shirt undone, and the sleeves of their jacket rolled up to the elbows. Although they looked like they had just rolled out of bed, it somehow worked.

"Oh, I'm sorry, am I in your way?" Clementine made to move.

"Nah, just saying hi." A slow lazy smile spread across their face. "I say hi to the people I find pretty at these sorts of things." Clementine straightened, a coy smile bubbling to her lips.

"Clementine, nice to meet you." It may not have been the best pick-up line, but it did deserve an introduction.

"Jupiter, back at ya." With that same sleepy smile, Clementine found herself wanting to see more of it. "Nice school you got here."

"Better than Red Fountain?" Clementine asked. If they weren't a fairy it was safe to assume they were a specialist.

"Never seen it." Clementine balked. "But you got a lot more space than Cloud Tower." A witch then.

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