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Welcome all, here are some facts about my writing and my world that may help you to make your way through my story easier.

- This story takes place moderately recently, but indeterminably after the Winx Club have graduated from Alfea, I have freed them from the purgatory of constantly returning to Alfea (whether as students or teachers), they are off living their lives and honestly will probably not interact with this story much

- Alfea is a college/university, students arrive around the age of 18/19 and study three levels of magic (Magic Winx, Charmix, and Enchantix) before graduating. You are allowed to enroll as long as it takes to complete these three stages but the vast majority of students are able to do it in three years.

- Although the Winx do not interact with the story much directly, their impact on the world is still felt. This is exampled by certain educational and social trends characters follow such as forming clubs of fairies, groups with specialist friends, and the feuding between witches and fairies being mellowed somewhat.

- As well as teaching magic and combat, schools like Alfea and Red Fountain teach a well-respected curriculum of diplomacy and interdimensional affairs, hence the amount of royalty and nobility attending them.

- I'm honestly using the terms 'planet' and 'realm' etc. interchangeably here.

- My characters have many diverse identities and many of them use multiple sets of pronouns. I have attempted to be as clear as possible in my writing while still respecting their identities. If you have any questions or require clarification, please leave me a comment.

- Above all, I am writing this for fun. many plot points and worldbuilding aspects have been chosen purely for that purpose and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

This list is subject to change! Happy reading!

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