Chapter 4

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After I punched Hammond in the face, the guards pummeled me to the ground and cuffed me before injecting me with some weird substance.

I woke up with my arms and ankles chained up in a stingy cell about twenty minutes ago. Whatever they injected me with left me feeling all sorts of fucked up.

I'm trying to see if I can somehow free myself but I know that's tough luck. These chains are indestructible.

Suddenly the door opens up and a flock of guards come in, one bulky guard holding a small bundle of something. Upon further inspection I see that that bundle is a person, a girl to be exact.

The guards work together to chain her up just like they have me and then quickly exit the cell, locking it behind them.

"Mr. Hammond will be in once she wakes up," one says through the bars and then walks away.

I turned my gaze back to the girl on the floor, they laid her on her side, facing me. I'm assuming this is Knox's sister, I wonder what her name is.

I can instantly spot the resemblance, they both have the same face, except the nose. Knox had a big nose, something we always joked about, whereas she has a button nose. Her wavy black hair lays pulled to one side of her lightly tanner shoulders.

She's beautiful, there's no doubt about that but she has this innocent look on her face but something tells me it's all for show. That this little petite thing is a firecracker through and through. And if that's the case, Hammond and his army of scientists are really asking for it.

She begins to stir and then suddenly her eyes peel open, instantly connecting with mine. Her eyes widen and she shoots up trying to stand just to be met with the chains restricting her to do so.

She begins pulling on the chains, does she really think that's going to work?

"No, no, no, no," she mutters to herself.

I decided to be the first to break the silence between us. "I hate to rain on your parade but these chains aren't going anywhere. Especially with those noodles you call arms pulling at them."

Her head whips up so fast, I'm surprised it doesn't roll off.

"Excuse me? I do not have noodle arms, I'll have you know I work with my trainer every day of the week," she barks back.

I was right, she is a little firecracker. A cute one at that.

I hold my hands up in defense, "my apologies..."

She huffs before muttering, "It's Willa."

"Well Willa, I hate to break it to you but you aren't getting out of those chains."

She slumps back in defeat just as the door swings open, Hammond stepping inside.

"Oh good, it appears you two have been acquainted. Are we ready to begin?"

Willa scrambles to her feet, albeit unceremoniously, but she manages to do so regardless of the chains.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, Hammond. You just think it's okay to drop the bomb that I have to reproduce with some stranger and then carry on like it's normal? Newsflash for you, it's not!"

Hammond only rolls his eyes at Willa's outburst. "Willa, we don't have time for one of your meltdowns. You and Rhys will be going through with this whether you like it or not. We need new subjects and you two are the only ones who can provide us with that."

Willa whips her head at me again, seriously she needs to be careful before she breaks her neck.

"Your name is Rhys?" She asks softly.

I give her a single nod.

She's about to say something before Hammond beats her to it.

"Guys please, we don't have time for this. Grab her." Hammond motions for the guards to come in.

Willa begins squirming but she's no match to these buffy men and their super strength.

"Let me go! Please, don't hurt me, please!" She screams.

I jumped up, unsure of what to do. I can't let them hurt her, this isn't right. None of this is right.

"Not so fast young man, you're coming with me." Hammond says with a smirk.

I know better than to disobey, so I let him and the guards lead me to a room with a clear view into one of the labs.

There, Willa is being strapped down to a bed surrounded by scientists.

She's given up on fighting them, all I can hear are her sobs now. Her cries are heartbreaking, I wish I could take her pain away.

"Why are you doing this?" I grit out.

"Like I said, we need more subjects and this is the only way."

I don't understand how strapping Willa down to a bed is going to do anything.

"What way is that exactly?"

"Are you both really that stupid? We're inseminating her with your semen, you know that thing we require from you every month."


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