Chapter 6

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After Hammond told me what they planned on doing to Willa, I knew I couldn't stand around and do nothing.

But I couldn't react right away, that's what Hammond wanted and I wasn't going to give it to him.

I needed to think and I needed to do it fast. I take in my surroundings, it's just me and Hammond in here so I don't have to worry about guards. But there's nothing in here I can use to my advantage.

Come on Rhys, think.

Suddenly I get an idea, it's not perfect but I'm sort of crunched for time. Hammond is too busy antagonizing Willa through the intercom to notice me move from standing next to him to standing behind him.

My hands are still chained but that doesn't mean I can't do what I'm about to do. I slowly lift my chained hands and bring the chain around Hammonds neck. Applying enough pressure to not kill him but enough to knock him out.

Surprisingly, it works and he's down for the count. I'm not sure for how long though, so I search his body in hopes of finding the key to the chains and it seems luck is on my side because I find them right away.

I quickly unchain myself and while I'm doing so I spot one of the scientist's lab coats. I put that on and pull the fire alarm that's on the wall right next to the door. Looking back into the room, I see the scientists scrambling. I go to the intercom letting them know I'll grab Willa and once they leave I make my way towards the room.

Once she's unstrapped we move to make our escape.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask, I was too busy planning that I didn't take note if the scientists touched her or not.

"I'm good, Rhys. You got to me just in time, they didn't do anything," she tells me.

I breathe a sigh of relief, "good, that's good."

"What's the plan now?"

"If we go out this exit, I know a clearing in the woods that will take us straight to civilization. We'll find someone and call the police, L.O.C.S. will be shut down for good."

"Then what?" She asks worriedly.

I give her a solemn look, "I'm not sure, but I promise I won't leave your side."

"I know I've only known you for a day, Rhys but I can already tell you're a good person. Thank you for risking it all to save me today."

"What kind of best friend would I be if I just let Knoxs' sister be tortured by these assholes while I just stood by and did nothing?"

"We both know that wouldn't have been the case. You risked a lot for me today and I'm eternally thankful," she says honestly.

We're about to reach the exit when we hear a loud banging coming from inside one of the cells. All of the other surrounding cells seemed to have been opened except for this one.

Me and Willa come to a halt. "Do you hear that?" She asks me.

"Yeah but let's keep moving, there's no fire so whoever it is will be fine," I tell her.

"No, Rhys. They're giving a signal, listen."

I listen for a beat and she's right, the banging isn't your usual bang for help.

"How do you know this?" I ask her.

"Because I made that signal up."

"What do you mean you made it, Willa?" I ask her.

"No time to explain, we need to help them."

We reach the door in no time and it looks like you don't need a keycard to open it, it's chained up on the outside.

Willa and I work fast to undo the chains to let whoever is in here out. We finally get them all undone and Willa wastes no time in throwing the door open.

"It took you long enough Willa-bug," the voice from inside says.

Willa and I look at each other wide eyed before we both speak at the same time.


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