Chapter 5

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I tried to keep a strong front but that flew out the window the second a handful of guards grabbed me and strapped me down to a bed.

Scientists are moving frantically around me yet I still have no idea what's about to happen. You'd think since this is my body they're violating that I'd have the right to know what's going on.

I began frantically pulling on the straps but that seems to make it worse.

"The more you pull, the tighter they get," one of the scientists says behind me.

"What are you doing to me?" I ask in hopes of getting an answer.

"We're preparing you for insemination, the faster you stop bitching the faster we can get this done."

"For what?! I did not consent to that!" I scream but it's pointless, no one is paying attention to me.

I wriggle around some more but it's no use, the straps just keep getting tighter.

All of a sudden I hear a voice over the intercom.

"Willa, please don't give the scientists a hard time," I lean up to see Hammond speaking into the speaker that connects to the intercom, Rhys standing next to him. I didn't realize there was a glass there connected to another room.

Rhys looks defeated, like he's unsure of what to do. Unfortunately there's nothing he can do. His eyes find mine and he mouths, "I'm so sorry."

I'm not an idiot, I know it's his child I'm expected to carry. But I don't fault Rhys at all, this isn't his doing. It's Hammond's and I hope that man rots in hell for all of eternity.

I give Rhys a small smile and lightly shake my head, letting him know it's okay.

I've known about Rhys ever since I was a kid, he was Knoxs' best friend. Knox talked about him all the time, I feel like I already know him without actually knowing him.

I wish we didn't have to meet like this. I've always wanted to know Rhys, Knox always hyped him up and made it seem like he was the perfect man. I can tell you right now based on his looks that he is. Whoever sculpted him took their time doing so.

My thoughts are broken when I'm suddenly pushed down so I'm laying flat and scientists swarm the bed I'm in.

"Please don't do this. I didn't consent to this, you can't do this to me!"

I hear Hammond laughing over the intercom, "Willa, your birth mother signed a form giving us permission to do whatever we please with you. So yes, we can do this."

I can't help the tears that roll down my cheeks. I'm praying to whatever God exists that this doesn't happen to me. It can't. I'm only 17-years old for christ sake. I was raised in a facility all my life, what do I know about being a mother?

Though, knowing L.O.C.S I most likely won't be raising this child at all. They'll probably whisk them away as soon as I give birth and I'll never see them again.

The idea of that makes me cry harder. L.O.C.S is taking everything from me and there's nothing I can do about it.

I'm exposed bare to this entire room but I don't even care anymore, Hammond will get what he wants. Just like he always does.

"Okay Willa, we need you to stay nice and still for us. If you can't do so, we'll have to sedate you," one of the scientists says.

Just as the scientist is getting ready to start the procedure, the fire alarm goes off.

No way this is happening.

The scientists scramble, not knowing what to do. One goes to undo my straps before an unfamiliar voice comes in over the intercom. "You all evacuate, I got her," the voice says.

The scientist flees the room and a minute later the door bursts open again. A scientist with a face mask comes in and unstraps me from the bed.

I'm too concerned with getting out of the building that supposedly is on fire that I don't even notice who is freeing me.

Startled, I jumped back "Rhys, what the hell's going on? How are you here right now?"

"I don't have time to explain, we got to go. Are you okay?" He asks, checking my body for anything that may seem out of sorts.

"I'm fine, let's just get out of here." 

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