E.T. (TanKana)

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*song by Katy Perry

Tanjiro Kamado was used to the unexpected.

There had been several instances of strange things happening on this mountain on which he was imprisoned.

An unforeseen bear attack.

The phone lines suddenly collapsing overnight.

An uncalled for avalanche that destroyed the northern region of his home.

He had let it all go.

But now?

There was a young woman in his care, in his house, lying unconscious as he contemplated what to do with her.

She seemed otherworldly. Just the thought of her screamed at his body to get away; she's dangerous.

But everything else pulled him towards her. Her complexion was almost as white as the snow, and he felt almost embarrassed at the realization that he was checking her out.

He rubbed his cheeks to rid himself of these impure thoughts that he had always chastised himself for having ever since young.

"I can't believe this..." he muttered, pacing back and forth in the living room. The woman was resting in his bedroom, and he was having difficulty trying to figure out what to do with her.

He whipped out his cell phone, and almost immediately tucked it into his pocket, worried that he might call someone that had the intention to hurt this.. creature.

Suddenly, a glowing presence caught his attention, and he walked around the corner cautiously, for fear of an attack, on him or the stranger that was now laying in his bedroom. He peeked into the room beforehand, only to be completely reassured when he realized that she was only turning on the lamp at his bedside.

He sighed exasperatedly.

"It's a lamp."

The woman stared at him curiously.

"It's like a... electricity source."

The same puzzled expression still remained on her face, and he chuckled at her obliviousness. She looked at his forehead, the scar from his youth having not passed away, and she also noted his scarred hands, from building the house in which he resided in.

She tapped one of his fingers, before picking up his hand and placing it in hers. He went red at the excessive amount of touching that certainly did not need to be done. Everything, from his cheeks to the tips of his ears turned red.

He muttered something to himself as a glowing force began to emit from her palm, and he stared at it in amazement.

"What are you doing?" he wondered, awed by the light that seemed to have no source.

She looked up and smiled.

Everything in his heart stopped. He could feel his brain pounding as he stared at her captivating smile, but nothing else seemed to be functioning the way it was supposed to.

"Kanao." she pressed her index finger to her chest, and did the same to him, though she left a black space for him to fill on his own.

"T-Tanjiro." he stammered. Now that her eyes were open, he could see hundreds of different hues in her eyes, marred by perhaps an accident, and the other almost completely faded. Everything about her was perfect.

She giggled at his shy attempt at introducing himself, and made no movement to correct him.

"T-Tanjiro?" she mimicked his stammer. Even though the tone was playful, he couldn't help but feel like she was mocking him.

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