Chapter 4

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After dinner that night, Hermione was sitting at the desk in her room. The sun was starting to set, bathing the room in a soft orange hue. She was so lost in thought, that Hermione didn't hear someone entering her room.

"Whatcha doing?" Katie drawled, leaning over Hermione's shoulder.

Hermione jumped out of her chair, clutching at her chest as if it would stop her heart from pounding. "Katie! Don't do that!"

The Gryffindor chaser just laughed in response. As Katie was trying to calm herself down, Hermione narrowed her eyes at what the witch was wearing - the Gryffindor Quidditch shirt, and far too many layers for someone going to bed.

"Katie, why on earth are you dressed like that?"

Calmer now, Katie wiped the last few tears from her face, before answering. "Sneaking out! We're all going out for a mini Quidditch game! The others are outside already, getting brooms. Figured I'd come and steal you away"

Hermione frowned, remembering her flying lessons from the past year. "Katie, No I'm not going you know I can't fly - let alone play a game of Quidditch!! I'd much rather get started on my homework"

Katie stared at Hermione. Suddenly the girl played her secret weapon - a huge pout and puppy dog eyes. Smirking inwardly at Hermione's defense flickering, Katie leaned in, whining at the younger girl; "But 'Mioneee, you can always sit on my broom? I wouldn't let anything happen to you!"

The girls looked at each other for a minute, before Hermione threw her hands up " Fine! But that isn't fair at all!"

Katie grinned, dragging Hermione out of her chair. Hermione hurriedly threw a jumper and scarf on, before letting Katie pull her outside silently. As they grew closer to the Quidditch pitch, Hermione started to regret letting Katie convince her to go outside. There was also a part of her that still couldn't quite believe that there was even a Quidditch pitch on the grounds.

The bushy haired witch felt her nerves growing more with every step. The rest of the students were already waiting, Eddie is in 6th year Hufflepuff And Ella is in 6th year Slytherins opening a Quidditch chest.

As the two joined them, Martin began speaking, "Right so, obviously, the teams aren't going to be equal, so -"

"Hermione's flying with me, Martin, so we can be 5 brooms versus 5 brooms" Katie interrupted quickly

Hermione blushed as the Slytherin glanced at them, before nodding and continued. "Okay so 5 v 5. One Keeper, one Seeker, one Beater, and two Chasers. We'll only use Bludger." Martin paused, waiting for everyone to nod. "Right, let's get to it! Everyone gets up in the air, and then I'll release the balls and throw the Quaffle, to start."

The 11 of them quickly split into two teams, Katie pulling Hermione over to one side to join Amy, Eddie, Mike - 5th year Hufflepuff - and Luke - another Hufflepuf, but a 3rd year. "Ros always gets new brooms for us to use" Mike he smiled explained, seeing Hermione eye the set of black brooms.

Amy had reached over to pick one up, inspecting it carefully, "These are Nimbus 2001s" she moaned, "I didn't even know they were out yet!"

Hermione peered closer at the brooms, distrust clear in her eyes. Katie clapped her on the shoulder to bring her focus back to their team. "Okay so me and Mike will be Chasers again - Hermione you're on my broom okay? Then Luke - you're okay going in goal again? Amy - Seeker, and Eddie, you'll be Beater."

Everyone nodded, Hermione's fear skyrocketing. A second later the other 4 had shot off into the sky, whooping at the speeds the brooms reached. Katie reached for the witch, obviously noting how scared she was. "Hey, 'Mione, look, at any point you're uncomfortable, let me know - I'll drop you off in the stands okay?"

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