e l e v e n : Sadness

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Happiness feels elusive, far from reach
As sadness grips my soul too tight to breach
It crept up on me in the dead of night
When life was supposed to be just right

The earth gave way beneath my feet
A chasm dark and deep to greet
I stumbled forward, lost and alone
Into a world I'd never known

Colors faded, sounds became a blur
My heart a broken, shattered slur
I can't recall how this began
Or if this pain will ever end

I'd do anything to stand on my own
Yet sadness drags me down, it's grown
It took the sap of life that gave it meaning
It's all I feel, my soul, demeaning

I finally gaze up at the sky
But it seems too far, unreachable high
There's nothing left that makes me whole
Just a broken shell, black and white, my soul.

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