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Knuckles pov

“Look, they finally made it,'' Silver said and waved over to blaze, who ran at him like a maniac “Blaze, don't run, you are wearing heels you dummy!”  We heard Zoey yelling at Blaze who tackled Silver in a hug. “Looks like someone missed you a lot.” I said with my usual playful tone and he just rolled his eyes and got up while hugging Blaze.. Mephiles just looked at me and  shrugged his shoulders. Unlike you all, my boyfriend knows better than to run like an idiot across a field of grass at a park. “Rouge isn't running, so shut up marcus.” I butted in and hit Mephiles in the shoulder in a playful way. “Whatever”  he responded and we saw the girls finally make their way over to us. “Took you long enough to walk over here.” I looked at Rouge, Infera and Shadie. “Oh screw off Knuckles. We didn't want to run in the grass.” Rouge rolled her eyes and chuckled at me. “So rude to your own boyfriend? How rude Rouge.” I pretended to be hurt by her words..which earned me a playful slap and then a hug afterwards. “Shush you big dummy.”  I laughed and we all got ready to walk around downtown.

Infinites pov

We all stood up and went over to the sidewalk. Out of nowhere my eyes were covered by a pair of hands. Instinctively I punched whoever it was..until I realized it was mephiles “Oh. Fucking loser- i didn't notice it was you. Sorry Mephiles'' I panicked slightly and looked over at the boy who was hunched over in pain. “Hey Mephiles, at least our significant others don't punch us in the face.” Sonic said then Shadow butted in. “I'll punch you if you don't stop flirting with me.” The guys laughed at him and I couldn't help but chuckle.. “Let's get going. It's gonna be dark soon. And frankly, I don't want to be out here when it's dark.” Silver said and Shadow nodded simultaneously. Honestly sometimes it's easy to tell that they are close friends. We nodded and continued walking then made our way into an ice cream parlor, which made zoey and tails screech. “omg. ice cream.”  Tails said and grabbed Zoeys hand, sprinting to the counter as Sonic and Knuckles sighed. “Your best friends, not ours” I said and watched as they followed behind the others who were acting like fools.

Blazes pov

“How long does it take to order ice cream oh my god.” I said while the others were just eating their ice cream and Silver was being indecisive again. “But there's so many flavors…-” “Silver we don't have all day come on,” he sighed and got his ice cream and joined the group. After we all finally got our ice cream and began to walk back to our cars. But it seemed much longer than it did earlier. By this time it had fallen to dusk and it was quite chilly. “Am i the only one who has a bad feeling about this?” Shadow spoke up and held Sonic closer. We all agreed. “No. Something isn't right here. I can feel it.” Silver said and we all froze hearing some odd noise coming towards us. Then Sonic screamed. “Let me go!”

Shadows pov

The group and I looked around for Sonic, using the flashlights on our phones to find him. “Hey guys over here….i found his phone..” Amy picked up the phone and there was something dripping off of it..Blood. There was blood on his phone and I choked back a sob. “Where did he go!” I screamed as Sonic suddenly wasn't with the rest of the group.  “Shadow calm down, I'm sure he's okay.” Silver's voice rang in my ear and I pushed him away. “You're only able to say that because your girlfriend is here! You know she is safe. I don't know where mine is silver..I don't know if he's alive or if he's dead. You can't tell me that you're sure he's okay.” A familiar voice rang out and we all looked at the direction. “Shadow..look up” Amy  said shakily and there he was, sonic hanging by a hand off a building with some kind of being standing over him. “Game over. You lose this time.” I looked at the entity and said “No, I still have my life to live..!” “I'm not talking to you.” The entity looked at the others and I ran to them but was stopped by an invisible wall and I stood in horror as blood spattered everywhere. The entity looked at me and put its hand on my forehead. “Let's play again.” then it all went black.

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