The Introduction

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Bhavya: 11-year-old girl Cheerful girl, who makes friends easily. Lives with her parents. loved by everyone.

??: "Bhavya, Bhavya what are you doing there we have to shift to our new house. Come help me in packing"

Bhavya: Coming Mom.

You are thinking what is happening here right? So let me tell u. here Bhavya and her parents are moving to a new house which is right beside their street. most of their things are already shifted to their new house and only a few things have been left behind, and her mother is asking her to help, but here Bhavya is busy playing with her friend and saying bye to them. Even though she lives next street but staying there and playing with them is different, and moving away and coming to play is different.

Mom: What are u playing there Bhavya without helping me.

Bhavya : Ma I was just saying them bye.

Mom :  ok leave that help me in packing.

Bhavya: ok mom.

They finished their packing and left to their new house.

Will everything be the same, will she have any friends or more than friends? or will she face any difficulties?

Yet To Meet The Destiny : Teenage loveWhere stories live. Discover now