Many secrets and fun

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It was the day of 7th December 2021. I, Nikhil, Bobby, and Viggi were playing down. After some time  Viggi left as his mother called him. I, Nikhil, and Bobby were left. we thought of doing something crazy. So we started playing truth or dare and started spinning the bottle. It exactly landed on Bobby.

Even if it was not the first time playing truth or dare, still we had a lot of questions to ask each other

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Even if it was not the first time playing truth or dare, still we had a lot of questions to ask each other.

Me: So tell me what qualities do u expect from u r future wife?

I and Bobby were studying in the 7th class at that time, while Nikhil was in the 8th class. Nikhil was having exams at that time and we didn't have e. As we all are of different schools.

Even Nikhil has an exam tomorrow, so to relax we were playing truth.

Bobby: U know I want a wife who is super hot and sexy, understanding, etc, but the first two are a must, just like me ...

 Me and Nikhil : oooooooooooooooo

Me: Yaar u are not even 10th yet and u want a hot and sexy wife ya yaar. My god, wait let me tell your crush.

Bobby: No, no year, please.

Me: OK OK.

Like that, we were enjoying and playing the game. Now it was Nikhil's turn

ME: Truth or dare

Nikhil: truth

Me: now tell me who is u r first crush and is she your present also?

At first, he hesitated but later he told.

Nikhil: Niharika, she was my classmate in old school. now she is no longer my crush. She went to the USA.

At first, I felt sad thinking I was not his first one, but the next answer made me happy. Why not who doesn't feel sad when u r crush says he already has a crush on some other girl.

Now it was my turn.

Nikhil: Truth or dare

Me: Truth

Bobby: no u have to take the dare. please. U know I have a very good dare.

ME: OK dare. But better not the dare be crazy.

Bobby: OK. Now U r dare is.............................

Me: Yaar don't keep suspense and tell me.

Bobby: Now u have to propose to Nikhil most romantically.

Me and Nikhil: What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bobby: Please.

I was happy that I could finally propose to him,  but I don't know if he was happy or not.

I don't know if it is the right age or not or if will it disturb his studies or 

I'm just overthinking. My mind was messed up at that time.

 To be continued...

(Please forgive me for my grammatical  errors)

Yet To Meet The Destiny : Teenage loveWhere stories live. Discover now