A Happy Year

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It was the year 2019. My family shifted to the new apartment  " NB Lovelies"

Yes, I made a lot of new friends but not immediately after shifting. By the time I shifted not all the flats were occupied.

So I had to wait till all the flats were occupied. But I am happy that our neighbor's flat was occupied. They were not there at the time of our housewarming ceremony. So today my mom was talking to them and making friends.

There I saw him for the first time, He was going down to play. so I asked Mom if I could also go. She allowed me so I went with him, along with he was having his brother as well. we all went to the ground floor to play.

??? : Hi, what's u r name?

ME: oh my name is Bhavya, and u?

??: Nikhil.

ME: Who is this cutie?

Nikhil: OH! he is my little brother Dharvik. Dharvik go and play. 

and he went to play with his friends.

Me: Is nobody there to play with u?

Nikhil: oh? there, they said they would come. Here they come

Two boys came at first sight I thought they were some Korean boys. later Nikhil introduced them.

Nikhil: He is Bobby (he was in my class but in different schools) and he is Viggi.

(actually, they are the nicknames).

We became best friends

 within a short time. even though I am the only girl, nobody complained a thing about it. 

At this time we started playing a new game called "Free Fire".

At that time I didn't connect much with Viggi.

I even started developing feelings for Nikhil.

I even asked myself what was so attractive about him.

But I couldn't tell the answer. Like this, it became a year.

( to be continued)

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