Chapter 6

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chapter 6: private school and those damn old bat kings

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chapter 6: private school and those damn old bat kings


2 DAYS HAVE PASSED since Florence initially arrived in Italy. 2 days since her family fed her to the wolves.

Well, more like she fed herself if we're being honest.

Today was the day that Florence begins her new school, with new people and new situations. To be frank, was Florence excited? Mm, no. She was extremely nervous. She had a feeling, a really unnerving feeling. Florence didn't really want to go, she didn't mind being a drop out. Honestly, she knew she would have to become a vampire anyway. Now that the Volturi know about her being human, well.. mostly. Anyway, it was apparent that in time she would be turned. She could finish highschool then, and do it over and over, if she wanted. Though, hopefully that happened after she found out what she truly was.

Breaking Florence out of her thoughts, a young male voice yelled,

"Milady, are you ready? We should leave in 5 minutes."

Florence bit her lip and rolled her eyes. She huffed, standing up and flattening down her uniform. She did the last touches of her hair and lip gloss, grabbing her bag she quickly walked to her door. Before she opened the door, she put on her sunglasses just incase. She opened the door then expecting Demetri to be there, however it was not him. It was a dark haired male, who stood about 6ft tall and had those vampire burgundy eyes.

Florence hesitantly walked out of her bedroom, keeping her eyes on him steadily. However suddenly, he was gone..

She looked around, confused. Where would he have run off too where she couldn't see? Florence pursed her lips, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly.

"Uh.. Hello? Where did you go?" She yelled out, still quite confused. She crossed her arms, waiting.

"I'm right here, Milady."

Florence nearly jumped out of her skin in fear, whipping her head around towards the source. It was that same vampire, with a sly grin adorning his face. Florence sighed, a little relieved. The grin on the suspicious vampire disappeared, as he began to speak.

"The names Afton, and I shall be your invisible guard!" He grins excitedly, putting his hands in the air. Florence chuckles slightly, but stops herself.

"I'm guessing your power is Invisibility? And also, call me Florence, I'm a 17 year old teenage girl. Not a widowed queen." Florence stated.

"Oh sure, also.. You're gonna be late if we don't go now." He states ever so calmly. Florence's eyes nearly bulge out of her head!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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