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The sun shines through the dust covered window, its rays hitting your sleeping figure. Your face scrunches up and in effort to get away from the suns attack, you roll over, only to roll over the wrong way and fall to the floor with a 'thump'.

"Hnng.." Groggily, you lift yourself off the floor and give a small stretch. Taking a moment to look around, you remember where you are. In a panic, you quickly scurry over to the bag, that was given to you by Crowley last night when he dropped off dinner. The bag was placed on a dusty musty crusty chair that you would never dream of sitting on. Taking items out of the bag, you set them on your bed and take off your sleepwear. Within the bag was a female version of the school uniform (and the other uniforms required, such as P.E and Science), damn Crewel was quick, and a pen with a silver/lavender gemstone. Did Crowley give you a Octavinelle pen? The pen is useless to you- magic wise, but you wanted it anyways. Don't tell Crowley.

Quickly, you put on the uniform and place the pen in your breast pocket. Unable to check over if you put the uniform on because the mirrors here suck, you sigh, "Whatever, it's probably fine anyways." And with that, you rush down the stairs and out the door. Along the way to the main campus, you realize you do not know the layout of the school. Thankfully, in your haste you arrived early and now have enough time to give yourself a tour. Looking around a bit, it's not long before you find the first year halls. Checking through every classroom, you seem to be unable to find yours. Panic sets in but fear not, you're not that stupid. Walking through the halls, you look for anyone familiar, the background characters are plan B. With thirteen minutes before class starts, you begin to give up and head for plan B. Well, until you saw that familiar teal.
'𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘣𝘦 𝘑𝘢𝘥𝘦. 𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘣𝘦 𝘑𝘢𝘥𝘦. 𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘣𝘦 𝘑𝘢𝘥𝘦.' You love Floyd, you really do. But he would probably not help you.

He was facing away from you but from what you can tell was his black strip of hair was dangling to the left, along with an earring. A good sign so far. His uniform was more smoothed out and no horrendous bright neon cyan socks were in sight. A very good sign. Weaving through the growing crowd, in which you could hear the whispers about you made by the surrounding students, you make your way quickly over to the probably Jade. Tapping his shoulder to catch his attention, he turns to you with a small polite smile. "Hm?" His eyes crease as they look you over.

"Do you know where Class 1-B is?" You hold your hands up to your chest, feeling nervous from his intent stare. His eyes noticeably soften at your shy display as he points down the hallway in the direction you were already going in, "I saw it around the corner on the left."
You nod your head in acknowledgment, "Thanks." You turn to leave, only to turn back around and face Jade again. Your face holding a determined expression, "Can I touch you?" His face hardly changes but you noticed his eyes widen slightly. "Excuse me?"
You feel your face start to heat up as you fumble, "Sorry, I, uh.. ah, ouh, ee- Uhm. I- Your skin just looks.. nice? But in a strange way- Never mind." You turn around again to run away with shame and embarrassment but the soft grasp of a hand on your shoulder stops you from leaving. The presence of another hovers over your shoulder. Warm breath, along with a small strip of hair, tickles your skin. "You may touch me anywhere you'd like." Once those words were uttered out, the presence beside you disappears but the hand remains until you turn back to face the eel twin. "-But, I don't think now would be the best time. Class will start soon."

"I do not care, give me your cheeks." You reach up to his face, although you do not make contact since he is standing at his full height. He doesn't move, considering his options, before finally giving in and leaning down enough for your fingers to caress his face. "We just met and we're already on the second base." His chest unnoticeably vibrates as a soft chuckle rumbles through him, his eyes closing as he leans further into your touch. Holding his jawline in the palm of your hands, your fingers lightly rub over his cheeks. Seeing as he puts no protest and at this point seems like a whining puppy wanting attention, you move your hands up further and touch around his eyelids. Moving some of his hair out of the way, placing the palm of your hand against his forehead, you take knowledge in the fact that his skin seems more damp- slimey even, although it isn't very noticeable other than the appearance of slightly glossier skin. He hums at the light affection.
Having got what you wanted, you take away your hands but his black strip of hair catches your attention. Since he said you can touch him anywhere, you entangle your fingers into his hair, him bending down even further to allow more access.
Giving a light tug to his black strip, a small "Hng.." Leaves him. Not sure what to make of that, you avoid tugging on his hair for the rest of your time. The warning bell eventually rings, causing you to let go.

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