13. The Revenant

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2 x 10 - The Sacrifice

Rosalie had woken up to a house void of any siblings

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Rosalie had woken up to a house void of any siblings. It had been this way for days now, Damon and Stefan would always be plotting and scheming all while making sure to keep their sister in the dark. The witch figured it must've been something related to the sacrifice. Rosalie knew they'd do everything in their power to save Elena, but she didn't understand why she wasn't being kept in the loop.

As she tended to the flowers on their back porch, she heard the sound of the front door open. She made her way inside and came face to face with Elena.

"Oh, hi! My brothers aren't here." Rosalie greeted.

Elena smiled. "Actually, I came to talk to you."

Rosalie hadn't expected that but didn't falter. "How can I help?"

"Stefan and Damon are trying to get the moonstone from Katherine," Elena revealed as she followed the witch to the parlor. "They want to de-spell it."

"Of course they are," Rosalie grumbled.

"I don't want them to do it." Elena declared with conviction.

Rosalie poured herself a drink. She was curious as to why Elena had come to her for help and why did she seemed disturbed by the idea of being saved. "Why is that?"

"You saw what Elijah was capable of," Elena replied. "And you've heard what Marie said about Klaus. If we de-spell the moonstone, I won't be sacrificed but instead, I'll get killed and so will all of you."

Rosalie slowly nodded at her words. It was true, if they pulled that stunt, Klaus would most definitely get revenge on every single one of them. She believed that her brothers were most definitely jumping the gun. They should've come up with a different and better plan.

"What do you have in mind then? Be the sacrificial lamb for Klaus?" Rosalie wondered.

Elena knew that Rosalie wouldn't judge her for what she was going to say, therefore she answered truthfully. "If it means keeping you guys safe, then yes."

The witch didn't reply straight away. She understood how the teenage girl felt as she knew she'd do the same if it meant saving the lives of the ones she loved. Rosalie also knew how devastated everyone would be if Elena died. They needed to come up with a good plan as soon as possible and to do that, they needed information.

Elena said exactly what Rosalie was thinking, "I think we should go back to Richmond."

"Get information from Slater?" Rosalie clarified.


Rosalie agreed. Perhaps Slater had more information about her personal problem; the Ouroboros. If what Rosalie had learned from Emily's grimoire was true, she could resuscitate Elena after the sacrifice. The problem was that she didn't know how.

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