The Train

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The train gentle rocked back and forth as it departed the station.

"So...why did you run?" Bertholdt ask as a passenger inadvertently pushed him closer to Annie.

A part of her wanted to put up her walls as she always has, but she just make herself do it.


"Well I took multi-variable calculus and organic chem in college so I can try to understand"

"Isn't this supposed to be your chance to make a grand romantic gesture?" She said with a small laugh.

"Well...I'm kind of an idiot when it comes to romance, and it might help if I knew why you left with just a note, and then just disappeared"

Annie let out a sigh. "I just...I got scared. Romance, love, commitment, all of that just scares the f*ck out of me."

"Can I ask why?" Bertholdt asked quietly.

"I don't know if this train ride is long enough."

"I'm willing to ride the train all night to talk to you"

Annie blushed a bit, feeling a weird mix of anxiety and excitement at Bertholdt's honesty.

"I just...have a hard time letting people in..."

Bertholdt gave her a look.

She playfully punched in him the arm. "Emotionally you pervert"

"It's just easier to put up walls..."

The first stop approached. Four more to go.

"Annie...if there is something you don't want to share with me...I understand"

Annie was taken aback a bit. It was one of the first times someone wasn't pushing her to open up.

"I know we had a rocky start"

"Spilling hot coffee on me" Annie said raising an eyebrow.

"Again I'm sorry about that."

"Well to be honest I kinda overreacted, probably shouldn't have made fun of your name"

"Eh it's kinda endearing" he said laughing a bit. "But seeing you on that stage that night, it felt like all those walls came down. I mean I could be speaking out of a my a** but it felt like you were pulling the curtain back. It was really beautiful to see. I mean definitely enjoyed what came after, but seeing you share your music, your song, it just...."

Annie felt the internal walls beginning to crumble.

"It's takes a brave person to bear their soul on stage. I know it's kinda cheesy to say, but as a musician myself, when I'm on stage it always feels like I'm exposing a part of myself ya know. That part I saw of you, well, I want to know more."

"You wanna know more about me?" Annie said with a laugh.

"I mean it's why I got on the wrong train"

Annie laughed. She had to let herself be honest. Bertholdt was cute, but he also had this vulnerability about him that made her want to know more.

"Annie I'm not here to make some big declaration of love, or beg you to date me. I just asking for the opportunity to get to know you. Hear more of your music, see more of your soul."

Annie was speechless. Armin had never been this interested in message behind Annie's music, her passion for it. She had been hesitant to show him that side of her.

Now looking up into Bertholdt's brown eyes, she felt an odd sense of comfort.

" really mean that...your not just trying to get me to come home with you tonight?"

His face softened. "Of course I mean it. Annie I don't care about the physical stuff. It's great with you for sure, but I care more about knowing you as a person. Even if it just means we become friends and just stay friends."

Annie felt the walls falling. She didn't even realize that she had missed her stop, and frankly she didn't care.

Just as he had predicted the two road the train for most of the evening. Talking about music, how they ended up in Seattle, and Annie shared a bit about her dysfunctional family.

It gave Bertholdt some insight on Annie's fear of love. Something he didn't  understand. He had grown up with two parents who loved each other deeply, and modeled something that he wanted someday.

After finally being forced of the train, the two walked back to Annie's apartment.

" you wanna come inside?" Annie asked.

Bertholdt smiled. "Are you trying to test me?" He joked.

Annie shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not"

Bertholdt learned down and kissed Annie's cheek. "As I said earlier, I'm more interested in knowing you as a person first"

"Again with the cheese"

Bertholdt shrugged, "I told you I'm a bit of an idiot."

Annie laughed. "Goodnight Bertholdt"

"Goodnight Annie"

As Bertholdt turned to walk away. He quickly spun around.

"Um by the way, I'm playing open mic night in two weeks at the should come"

"I look forward to seeing a part of your soul then" Annie said.

How We Met: Bertholdt x Annie Where stories live. Discover now