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*5 years later*

Bertholdt was nervous. It was more than pre show jitters. After three years of touring as supporting acts and now on their one headliner tour, he had learned how to deal with the performance anxiety.

This performance was as special. It was the last leg of the tour with the finale show in Seattle. It was where they had met and where they had been discovered by Sina Records.

As the opening act played, Bertholdt stuck his hand into his pocket touching the velvet box.

He jumped as Annie placed a hand on his shoulder. "You ok Bert?"

"Um yeah just a bit nervous is all"

His girlfriend laughed, "it's not like you to get nervous"

"I guess since we know so many people in the crowd"

"Anything I can do to help?" Annie asked.

"Well..." Bertholdt said with a smirk "...I can think of a few things"

Annie playfully slapped his arm. "Not like that"

"A good luck kiss would help"

Annie smiled, "now that I can do"

After that night in the club, Annie and Bertholdt started making music and memories together.

Soon enough Eld joined as their drummer and Petra, the girlfriend of a former classmate of Bertholdt, joined in as the bass guitarist and backing vocals.

After about a nine months of small gigs, and sending in demos they got the attention of Ness who owned Sina records.

Their first album, Breaking the Walls, had been a hit.

Now they were working on their second album and finishing up their first tour.

As soon as Eld counted them off, Bertholdt's nerves melted away as he let himself get lost in the music.

He couldn't help but glance over at Annie every so often, causing his heart to race.

The band had finished the last song to the crowds disappointed. But as with most concerts they knew and encore was coming. The were hoping for the new single from their upcoming sophomore album, but tonight was going to be different.

"Oh Annie!" Their manager Anka rushed over to her. "You dad needs you right now"

"Is he ok?"

"Yeah, yeah he just...uh..."

"But the encore"

"It's fine Annie we got it" Petra said with a smile. "You better go see what's up with your dad."

Annie nodded handing her guitars to a tech and apologizing to her bandmates.

As soon as she walked out the stage door Anka stopped her. "Annie don't get mad but this was all Bertholdt's idea"

Before Annie could speak, a blindfold was tied around her eyes, plunging her into darkness.

"What's this all about?!?"

"Annie honey, just trust us ok."

Annie relaxed a little at the sound of her dad's voice.

"Ok grab my hand and follow me"

Annie let her dad lead her into the unknown as noise cancelling headphones were placed on her ears.

"Ok y'all have been great tonight Seattle!" Bertholdt said into the microphone.

"Now I know y'all have been making noise all night but right now I need it to be really quiet so Annie has no idea where she is at."

It took a few minutes but the crowd silenced, and Bertholdt have a thumbs up.

His heart started hammering as he saw Annie's dad lead her on stage, having her sit on a stool center stage.

Getting the ok from her dad, Annie slipped the blind fold off.

Her jaw hung open as she looked around. She was back on stage. The spotlight on her. A screen hung behind the back of Eld's drum kit, and she noticed that Eld now held a violin and Petra and Bertholdt had switched to acoustic instruments.

"So this isn't going to be a normal encore. I know you guys really wanna hear Barricades but you guys are about to be a part of something special...or humiliating"

The crowd laughed a bit.

"One, two, three."

He strummed the opening chords of I Won't Give Up. The song he had written for Annie 5 years ago.

Petra and Eld joined in, adding a beautiful harmony to the song.

On the screen a slideshow started of Annie and Bertholdt throughout the past 5 years together.

"When I look into your eyes..." Bertholdt stared directly into Annie's blue eyes.

As the song progressed Annie was doing her best to hold in her tears. She looked from Bertholdt to the screen, wishing she could watch both at the same time.

She didn't even realized Bertholdt had finished the song, as Petra, Annie's guitars tech, and Eld kept playing.

Bertholdt took off his guitar handing it his waiting guitar tech.

He extended his hand to Annie's pulling her up off the stool.

"Annie, ever since that day I spilled my coffee on you...my life has never been the same. Because of you I have not only grown as a musician, but as a person as well. I want to keep making beautiful music with you. These past five years have been the best years of my life...and I want more years with you. In fact I want as many years with you as I can get...I want a forever with you and I promise I won't give up on you or us"

Bertholdt got down on one knee. "Annie Taylor Leonhart...will you marry me?

The crowd cheered and then held their breath in anticipation.

Annie looked into Bertholdt's pale green eyes, and the ring in his hand. It wasn't too flashy, just like she wanted.

With a smile of her face and tears in her eyes she nodded. "Yes, of course I'll marry you"

Bertholdt jumped to his feet sliding the ring onto Annie's left ring finger to the applause of the audience.

"I love you Annie"

Annie pulled Bertholdt in for a deep kiss.

"I love you too Bertholdt, and I promise to never give up on us either"

The End

How We Met: Bertholdt x Annie Where stories live. Discover now