3: Hari meets the relatives

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Luke woke her up Early the next morning, telling her to get ready for Breakfast. Well, Luke woke the Entirety of Cabin Seven up, but that was besides the point. Once everyone was ready Luke Led them out the Door and towards the Dining Pavilion. At a Glance, the Pavilion looked Impractical, due to the lack of a roof. Her Senses, however, told her that the Barrier around the camp also kept bad weather from affecting them. They took a seat at the Cabin 7 Table, then the Nymphs started bringing out the food. She picked her Goblet up and glanced down to see it was empty. She could feel the Enchantments on the goblet, but she couldn't decipher how it worked. "It's voice Activated Hari, Just name a drink and you'll recieve it so long as it isn't Alcoholic." She hummed as she mulled over that Information provided by Luke. "Chocolate Milkshake." The cup sat empty for a second, then started to rapidly fill up with the requested Drink. She scented it and, upon finding it smelled like Chocolate Milkshake, took a sip. Definitely chocolate. She went to start eating, only for Luke to stop her as he stood up. "We need to Sacrifice portions of our Meals to the Gods, they like the smell." A growl built in her throat at that. "No." Luke blinked. "Excuse me?" He asked. "No." She growled out. Luke looked like he had no idea what he should do, then looked towards Chiron for help. The Centaur came over a moment later. "What seems to be the Problem Luke?"
"Hari is refusing to Sacrifice part of her Meal." Chiron sighed then turned to her. "Hari, you need to Sacrifice a portion or it's Disrespectful to the Gods. And they don't take Disrespect well." She Snorted. "Neither Does Mama, and she could beat up the Entirety of Olympus with no trouble." She heard her Mama snort as her other Mother Laughed. "Hari, you shouldn't claim such things, especially in ear shot of an Olympian." Chiron chided her while shooting a wary look towards the Man sat at the head table, who was looking at her with an affronted Gaze. She examined him, then shrugged. "He won't hurt me. Even Thunderbeard wouldn't dare. Otherwise they'd piss off Mama, and then there wouldn't be an Olympus." Chiron looked like he was about to say something, but she cut him off as Thunder Rumbled from above. "Mama is far more Ancient then Zeus, and far more powerful." She grinned. "And unlike Zappy Mc Zaperson, Mama cares about her children, and doesn't turn them into a Tree."
"Your my only child." Her Mama's voice rang in her mind. "Does that matter?" She sent back, then fixed Chiron with a gaze of pure Silver. "Now, Fuck off and let me eat in piece." A bit of Smoke puffed out of her nose to emphasise her annoyance as she flared her Aura slightly. Chiron beat a hasty retreat, probably realising she was no ordinary Demi God. She had kept the Draconic part of her Aura back, just flexing her Godly Aura. Nobody else bothered her about Sacrificing her meal again after that.

Percy blinked awake, disorientated and sore. He sat up, only for a gentle hand to push him back into a lying position. "Here, drink this and you'll feel better." A female Voice stated. He did so, noting it tasted like his Mother's Brownies. "Where am I?"
"Camp Halfblood. You've been asleep for three days. Get changed, then I'll give you a tour. Oh, by the way, I'm Annabeth."

Annabeth led him around the camp, showing him everything the camp had to offer and the lesson's he would recieve. She also helpfully explained that he was a Demigod. The Tour ended at Cabin 7, the Hermes Cabin. He was led inside and stared at the overcrowded space. "Hi Annabeth, regular or undetermined?"
"Undetermined." He was confused as to what they meant by that, but something caught his eye. He blinked in shock at the sight of a Girl sat on the Ceiling. "Er, there's a girl on the Ceiling." He pointed out. Luke glanced over, then Sighed. "Yeah, we know. That's Hari. We think she's either spiderman or able to screw with Gravity because she just walks up the wall. You get used to it after a while. Speaking of, Hari was the one who dragged your ass over the Barrier." He blinked. Luke then gave him a sleeping bag and told him to find somewhere to sleep. A few Minutes Later, luke led them to Dinner.

Hari felt cold as she Sat down, although no one else seemed to notice. She glanced around, sipping on the Hot Chocolate she had requested when her gaze landed on the Brazier. "If you want to jump in the Fire Hari, you can." Her mother's voice informed her, and she could just about make out her Mother's form in the Flames. The Decision was easy to make. Nobody was watching her, so she got up and, before anyone could stop her, threw herself into the flames. People screamed around her while she made herself comfy as her Mother giggled next to her. Warmth returned to her as her mother Ruffled her hair. "Welp, there goes Hairy Nutter. Such an Idiot." She Growled. "Be nice Cousin." She replied, causing everyone to jump in shock. "Yes Nephew, be Nice." Her Mother stated from the Flames. Dionysus blinked. "Auntie Hestia?" Her Mother Rolled her eyes. "No, I'm just a talking fire. And before you say anything Chiron, I gave her permission." Chiron's Jaw worked for a moment, then he threw his Hands up in defeat and sat back down.

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