Larry: Another boy

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"I can't stand it when you over control!" Louis' boyfriend, Nathan, yelled. "I'm so done with your bitchiness. I'm leaving!"

"You're not just leaving me," Louis muttered.


"It's not just you and me anymore."

"What the hell are you saying, Tomlinson?"

"Oh for god sakes. I'm pregnant, Nathan!"

"Wow I knew you were a slut, but not that much."

"You honestly think I'm a slut? Just because I'm pregnant?! With your kid?!"

"I can't be with a pregnant slut. I'm leaving." He turned on his toes and began walking out he door.

"Fuck you."

"Fuck you too. You stupid little son of a bitch." He slammed the door behind him.

Louis couldn't hold back his tears. They began flowing down his cheeks, but he knew he had to be strong.

He wiped them away before heading to the kitchen. He filled a glass of water and chugged it. "I'm sorry, baby."

*~9 months later~*

"One last big push, Louis," the doctor instructed. Louis pushed as hard as he could.

Cries of a baby filled the room.

"Oh my goodness. Hi baby girl," Louis cooed/panted as she was placed on his chest.

"Do you have a name for her?" The nurse asked in a friendly voice.

"Quinn Felicity Tomlinson." He kissed the top of her head lovingly.

*~2 months later~*

"C'mon, baby girl. Please stop crying," Louis pleaded, bouncing her around the living room.

Quinn had gotten very fussy within the past few weeks, and it kind of scared Louis, thinking something might be wrong with his baby girl.

She had also gotten a fairly large, pink eye. It seemed to really bother her, making her more upset. Louis had no idea as to what it was that was making her eye swell up.

He tried feeding, burping, cradling, bouncing, nap time, you name it, and nothing seemed to be working.

So, he decided to bring her to the doctor to be checked.

He checked her in and sat her in his lap in one of the chairs in the waiting room. "Quinn?"

He stood up, resting her on his shoulder because she was asleep, and grabbed the diaper bag. He followed the doctor into the back room.

"My name is Doctor Horan and I'll be here is you have any questions."

"Okay thank you."

"I'm going to go let Doctor Styles know you're here." He walked out, closing the door behind him.

Louis sat in one of the chairs, rocking Quinn, looking around, when Doctor Horan came in. "Doctor Styles will see you now."

Louis nodded and grabbed the diaper bag. He followed Doctor Horan unit Doctor Styles' examination room.

Louis' eyes widened as he caught his first glimpse of Doctor Styles. He had beautiful green eyes that popped. His long, curly, brown hair fell perfectly over his cheeks, landing softly on his doctor coat. Tattoos peeked out from the end of his left coat sleeve and a watch on his wrist.

"Hi I'm Doctor Styles." He shook Louis' hand. "Thank you, Niall."

"No problem." Niall scurried out of the room, leaving Louis and Harry to talk.

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