Social Psychology - Episode 4

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Señor Chang stood in front of the whole class like usual, "Before we wrap up I'd like to thank you guys for filling out these volunteer evaluation cards

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Señor Chang stood in front of the whole class like usual, "Before we wrap up I'd like to thank you guys for filling out these volunteer evaluation cards. I found your feedback to be largely constructive and flattering. So graçious on that."

"De ñada," Abed said.

"You don't have to sign your name anymore," Chang informed.

"Got it," Abed nodded a little.

"But there was one evaluation that was so harsh and hurtful and racist I took the time personally to analyze that handwriting against past exams. And this particular coward..." Chang approached Annie Edison in the front row. "...dots her eyes with tiny, itty-bitty, little circles. Poop, poop. Ain't that precious and cute." He got nose to nose with Annie and whispered to her. "Who's erratic and unstable now Princess Gringa?" He kissed Annie on the forehead.

Alex snickered a little. Chang turned his attention to her and slowly walked towards her, getting into her face. She had to hold back from laughing more.

Alex walked up to the table Jeff, Shirley, Troy, and Pierce were talking. She was holding a milkshake.

"What is that?" Troy asked Pierce. "It looks like your blue-tooth thingy."

"No, no, no. This is my cell phone headset," Pierce said and gestured to the bluetooth in his one ear. He put the new device in his other ear "And this is Ear-Noculars. It's for spies and what-not. Gives you sonic hearing."

"All hearing is sonic," Abed said walking up. Alex nodded, agreeing with him.

"What's that?"

Annie walked up to the table. "So who wants to be in a psych experiment?" she asked.

"Hey, guys, guys. Annie is talking about some kind of experiment," Pierce said, not realizing that said girl was right behind him.

"She's behind you," Jeff said. "Not interested."

"Please. You get paid," Annie said.

"I'll do it," Alex shrugged.

"Aw! Thank you, Alex," Annie gave her a quick side hug, knowing she didn't always like being touched. Sometimes it was just too much for her. "Anyone else?" 

"Do they do stuff to your butt?" Troy asked.

"No," Annie said.

"Do you get paid more if they do stuff to your butt?"


"It's fine, I'll do it, I'm in."

"Yay!" Annie cheered. "How about you, Abed? It's tomorrow."

"Oof. Tomorrow, they're showing all four Indiana Joneses at The Vista," Abed said. "I'm really looking forward to the first three. I bought a whip."

"This is really important to me, Abed," Annie said, walking around the table to stand closer to him. "Could you please go as my friend? My really good friend?"

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