Chapter 16

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The last thing I remember, I was walking with Agent White along a deserted road, next thing I remember, I'm in a hospital bed.

I opened my eyes and tried to look around, it took a few seconds for my eyesight to adjust to my bright surroundings. I was exhausted and sore, and there was a painful throbbing in my left ankle and my left arm. Looking around, I spotted Agent Fang talking to a doctor right outside of my room, the door was open so it made it easy for me to see them. A couple of minutes later, Agent Fang turned, spotting me staring at him and smiled, coming over to my bed. "How's Agent White?" Where were the first words that came out of my mouth, almost automatically. The last time I had seen him, he was trying not to pass out over my shoulder, and losing blood fast, despite the bandages I had put on his head.

Sitting down beside me, Agent Fang sighed "Well, Agent White, besides having the cut on his forehead, also had a cracked rib and a small fracture in his arm"

I flinched when he said that "Is he ok?"

"Well, he's currently drugged and asleep, doctors are getting him ready for stitches and cast, that's all I know for now"

"He was losing so much blood, I didn't know if he..." I paused as I saw Agent Fang narrow his eyes at me, a smile tugging at the edge of his mouth. I quickly gulped and bit my lip "Well, I'm glad he's gonna be ok" I said softly, fiddling with my fingers and not daring to look up into Agent Fang face for fear my face would be bright red. 

"Aren't you going to ask about yourself?"


"Well, Agent White wasn't the only one who had injuries, my dear"

"Oh joy! What am I in for?"

"Well, you broke your ankle"

"What I..."

"Hold on! But it was a very small break, the cut on your cheek wasn't too bad and the doctors just said to clean it daily. That is pretty much it, oh yes, and your knee has a pretty bad bruise on it"

"Which knee?" I asked, but it was quickly answered as I moved the right left barely half an inch, and gasped in pain.

It took about 2 weeks for us both to get out of the hospital, during that time, we learned that the Mafia had both lost their track, and also had been hacked again, by the cobra. And it wasn't something smaller like a mission status, it was the identities of 10 agents! Including Agent White and I. I had no real name or last name registered into the Mafia's data base, and it whould have been fine for me, if they weren't so good at tracking people! I had heard from Agent Fang they had tracked one of their best agents just by seeing their face! If they ever found out and leaked to the Mafia about me being a double agent, I'd be either running from them for the rest of my life, or dead. In short, I was screwed.

I had been in the training room for the entire day, waiting for them to bring back Agent White. Yes, ok, fine, I missed him, he was the only friend I had been able to keep for more than 2 days, and I hadn't see him in awhile. I suddenly heard them come in and sprang up from where I was sitting, completely forgetting the doctors orders of staying off my ankle. 

Before I knew what was happening, I felt my ankle give out, giving me a boost into Agent Whites arms. Completely ignoring the pain though, I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged tight. I felt Agent White stiffen then relax as he returned the hug for a few seconds before he pulled away, keeping his arm around my waist to keep me from falling. 

"Agent Black! You know better than to be on your ankle!" Agent Fang scolded as he came into the room.

I hung my head, but a smiled grew on my face as I looked up to see Agent White smiling sheepishly at me, a blush creeping up his cheeks. Walking over to the couch that had been placed in the room for me. He sat down beside me and we both payed attention as Agent Fang started to explain the situation. 

"So, we found new information on Alex"

"Really...what?" I asked, eagerly leaning forward.

"Turns out, he's an honored member of the Cobra's, in fact, he is actually one of their co-leaders, 2nd only to the leader of the Cobra's"

I felt the blood drain out of my face, what? How could he be apart of them and still stay on the CIA's goodside? Then it hit me, my cousin, well, my boss, his name is Peter, but everyone just calls him Pete for short. That phone call I heard the ending to, Pete had said 'Goodbye Alex'. I didn't want to jump to conclusions, it could be possible that it was another Alex, but...what if it was the same one? Was it possible Pete was a double agent for them? 

"Agent Black!? Are you listening?"

"Uh...I was just thinking, go ahead Agent Fang"

"I was saying we need to track down their head quarters, and they know both of your faces now, you need to stay lowkey until we figure out our next move, you hear?"

Both Agent White and I nodded. Something wasnt right, there had to be a connection between me, my cousin, and those Cobras. And I was determined to find out, whatever the stakes.

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