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The screeching voice of Ms.Foster reaches my ear making me jolt up from my unintentional nap. I sit straight and the first thing I see is my Mathematics teacher looking at me with that enraged face. I gulp and grin like an idiot as my classmates erupt into laughter

Great another day of making a fool of myself. Before I move forward let me tell you something about my self. I am not that usual protagonist you find in those Netflix shows. I do not have boys falling for my straight hair or big eyes instead I have bullies making fun of my frizzy curly unmanageable hair and my big body. I am a 5"6 15 year old curvy girl who is in Year 9 but still has no idea about what she is going to do with her life. Ofcourse how can I? With such grades? Oh yeah I am not that good in academics either so no beauty no brain, I don't know why you guys will root for me.

Ok coming back to present

"Were you sleeping? AGAIN?" She asks through those gritted teeth. Ms. Foster is well known around the school for being the boring maths teacher who is annoyed by everyone and everything!

I shake my head "umm no no I wasn't"

"OK then tell me what is the answer for Q2?" She points at the green board

I put on my round somewhat crooked glasses and try to figure out but I just cant understand. From the corner of my eyes I could see Elizabeth, my best friend, trying to give me the answer. But lol only if I was that smart

Ms. Foster shakes her head in such disappointment that as if I am her lawyer who couldnt win her case. Then again,  Its alright I am a disappointment for everybody anyway. I sit down quitely making sure i dont make any more mishaps!

Suddenly a paperball hits my head and falls on the ground. I pick it up and open it. It had a scribble of a girl which kinda looked like me and said "ugly duckly". I quitely look back and find Kevin,my biggest bully, smirking at me.

I immidiately put it in my bag hiding it from Elizabeth. I always try to put up a facade so that no one understands that these things get to me. But truth is they do.. they actually do. Imagine getting reminded of your lackings every.single.day. Every single day you are told that you are not pretty enough smart enough good enough. It kind of breaks you from the inside and that takes years to get fixed.

I sigh deeply and try to concentrate again.

Soon the bell rings

"How can you fall asleep again?" Asks El as she comes towards me.

I have always thought that El is perfect. She is skinny has straight black hair and her fashion sense is pretty trendy. Her grades are OK atleast better than mine. So I always thought that her life is perfect but actually recently I was proven wrong. Kevin and some other boys skinny shamed her to such an extent that now she actually tries to eat beyond her capacity to gain weight.

Looks like nobody is perfect.

I shrug "Ms. Foster is boring"

El chuckles "Well yeah that is true. BTW we are going to your place now right? Then we go to the movies?"

I nod and as I try to get up I drop all my belongings to the floor.

El slaps her forehead!!!

As I knee down to pick it up someone comes to help me

I look up and see its Cassie my other best friend. To be honest she is the exact opposite of El and sometimes I really wonder how are they friends even? If El is the epitome of prim and proper then Cassie is messy as hell. Her dress is never ironed properly most of the time her glasses are crooked and she herself trips alot. But she is extremely pretty with a round cute face and big bambi eyes. A thing about Cassie is she has never been single ...she has been dating Ren since grade 7 and they kind of have an on and off relationship and that's why the only thing she talks about is "love"

"I cannot be with Ren anymore " she nags as we exit the class. I watch El roll her eyes. Yeah we all are kind of annoyed hearing the same thing every week

"Now what??" I ask as we reach the locker

Then she starts to ramble about how he never prioritses her or how he gets angry easily and so on. Sometimes I just wonder why are they even together? It feels more of a habit than a relationship

"I don't know why you guys are together " blurts out El ,she is a bit more outspoken than me.

"I love him" Mumbles Cassie

We don't say anything, what's the point?

"Btw I heard they are transferring some new students to our school " I say as we walk towards the canteen

" Oh God I wish they bring in some "good" guys" says El

"Yeah" I reply

"Yeah YOU especially need some good guy to get over that douche" says Cassie pointing towards the centre of the canteen

I follow her gaze and my eyes land on him


So this was just the first chapter of the story which is pretty close to my heart, hope you all will like it.

Btw how were  you in high-school?

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